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Friday, November 15, 2024

'जिन्हें किसी ने नहीं पूछा, उन्हें मैं पूजता हूं...', जानें एक लाइन में कैसे बिहार से झारखंड को साध गए PM मोदी

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी (PM Narendra Modi) ने शुक्रवार को आदिवासी और जनजातीय स्वाभिमान के प्रतीक बिरसा मुंडा की 150वीं जयंती के मौके पर आयोजित 'जनजातीय गौरव दिवस समारोह' में भले ही बिहार के जमुई में भाग लिया हो, लेकिन वह बिहार की धरती से पड़ोसी राज्य झारखंड को साध गए. PM मोदी ने कहा कि आज आदिवासी समाज के लिए केंद्र की सरकार कई योजनाएं चला रही है, जिसका उन्हें फायदा मिल रहा है. प्रधानमंत्री ने कहा, "जिन्हें किसी ने नहीं पूछा, उन्हें मोदी पूजता है."

झारखंड में विधानसभा चुनाव चल रहा है. 13 नवंबर को पहले फेज की वोटिंग हो चुकी है. 20 नवंबर को दूसरे फेज के लिए मतदान होने हैं. चुनाव प्रचार के लिए BJP-JMM और कांग्रेस समेत तमाम पार्टियां जोर लगा रही हैं. शुक्रवार (15 नवंबर) को  आदिवासी समाज में भगवान का दर्जा रखने वाले बिरसा मुंडा की जयंती के मौके पर PM मोदी ने पहले देवघर में रैली की. फिर बिहार के जमुई पहुंच कर विकास योजनाओं के जरिए आदिवासी मतदाताओं को साधने की कोशिश की.

बिहार में पीएम मोदी, बिरसा मुंडा की जयंती पर 6,640 करोड़ रुपये की परियोजनाओं का किया उद्घाटन

आदिवासी समाज को नहीं मिला उनका हक
मोदी ने कहा, "आज जनजातीय गौरव दिवस मनाया जा रहा है. मैं पिछले साल आज के दिन धरती आबा बिरसा मुंडा के गांव में था. आज उत्सव का माहौल है. आदिवासी समाज आज देव दीपावली के मौके पर गृह प्रवेश भी कर रहे हैं. ये उनके लिए बेहद महत्वपूर्ण पल है." पीएम मोदी ने इशारो में कांग्रेस पर निशाना साधते हुए कहा, "आजादी के बाद आदिवासी समाज को उनका हक नहीं मिला जिसके वो हकदार हैं. लेकिन, आज उन्हें वो तमाम सम्मान मिल रहे है जिसका वो हकदार हैं. 

'प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना' से किसान खुश, सरकार का जताया आभार

आजादी में सिर्फ एक ही परिवार का योगदान नहीं
PM मोदी ने कहा, "आदिवासी समाज के योगदान को मिटाने की भी कोशिश की गई. आजादी में सिर्फ एक ही परिवार और एक ही दल के योगदान को दिखाया और बताया गया. लेकिन, आज ऐसा नहीं होगा." बता दें कि पिछली बार पीएम बिरसा मुंडा की जयंती के मौके पर उनकी जन्मस्थली उलिहातू पहुंचे थे.

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने कहा कि आदिवासी समाज के विकास के लिए ग्राम उत्कर्ष योजना शुरू की गयी है. इसके तहत 80 हजार करोड़ रुपये की राशि खर्च की जाएगी. यह बड़ी योजना है, जिसका उपयोग आदिवासी समाज के विकास के लिए किया जाएगा. जब आदिवासी इलाको का विकास हो जाएगा, तब ना सिर्फ़ उनका विकास होगा बल्कि उन इलाकों से पलायन भी रुकेगा.

झारखंड की राजनीति में आदिवासी समाज का दबदबा रहा है. आदिवासी समाज के मतदाता सरकार का रुख तय करते हैं. राज्य की 81 में से 43 सीटें ऐसी हैं, जहां आदिवासी आबादी 25 फीसदी से ज्यादा है. वहीं, इन 43 में से 22 सीटें ऐसी हैं, जहां आधी से ज्यादा आबादी तो आदिवासियों की है. आदिवासियों के लिए जल, जमीन और जंगल ये अहम मुद्दे हैं. BJP ने इन्हें अपने चुनावी एजेंडे में शामिल किया है.

PM ने सठीक चला राजनीतिक दांव
BJP के नेतृत्व वाला NDA झारखंड चुनाव में आदिवासी मतदाताओं को रिझाने के लिए हर दांव पेंच को अपना रहा है. ऐसे में PM मोदी जमुई में चला गया राजनीतिक दांव काफी सधा माना जा रहा है. इस समारोह के लिए बनाए गए मंच पर बिरसा मुंडा और सिद्धू कान्हू के वंशज की मौजूदगी से BJP ये मैसेज भी देने में सफल रही कि वह स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में आदिवासियों की वीरगाथा को नहीं भूलने देगी.

झारखंड में आखिर क्यों फंस गया राहुल गांधी का हेलिकॉप्टर? वजह जानकर रह जाएंगे हैरान

BJP को क्या होगा फायदा?
PM मोदी कई मौकों पर आदिवासियों के हक और उनके विकास की बात कर चुके हैं. राष्ट्रपति द्रौपदी मुर्मू और ओडिशा के मुख्यमंत्री मोहन मांझी आदिवासी समाज से आते हैं. BJP ने कई बार अपनी योजनाओं के जरिए आदिवासी समाज के विकास की बात कही है. ऐसे में यह माना जा रहा है कि भाजपा आदिवासी समुदाय पर विशेष ध्यान दे रही है और अपनी पकड़ को लगातार मजबूत कर रही है. 

JMM भी लगा रही जोर
BJP के मुकाबले JMM भी पीछे नहीं है. झारखंड के CM हेमंत सोरेन आदिवासी समाज से आते हैं. जब हेमंत सोरेन जेल गए, तो उनके समर्थकों ने आरोप लगाया कि BJP ने साजिशन एक आदिवासी मुख्यमंत्री को फंसाया है.
ऐसे में इस बात की संभावना से इनकार नहीं किया जा सकता है कि भावनात्मक तौर पर आदिवासी समाज के लोग हेमंत सोरेन की झारखंड मुक्ति मोर्चा पार्टी के साथ खड़े हो सकते हैं. क्योंकि राज्य में JMM की जड़ें मजबूत हैं.

हालांकि, चुनाव से पहले JMM को कई झटके भी लगे हैं. सीता सोरेन, चंपाई सोरेन समेत कई कद्दावर नेता JMM से अलग हो चुके हैं. बाबूलाल मरांडी जैसे आदिवासी समाज के कई बड़े चेहरे भी हाल ही BJP में शामिल हुए हैं. ऐसे में JMM     को इसका थोड़ा-बहुत नुकसान भी हो सकता है.

झारखंड के देवघर में PM मोदी का प्लेन हुआ खराब, करीब डेढ़ घंटे बाद वायु सेना के विमान से दिल्ली रवाना

from NDTV India - Latest

"India Is My Second Home": Lonely Star Akon

Senegalese-American pop star Akon, who is in Shillong to perform at the Cherry Blossom Festival 2024, has said he thinks of India as his "second home" and can never find himself in a situation "far away" from the country.

Speaking exclusively to NDTV on Friday, the 'Lonely' and 'Chammak Challo' star said, "I have always had unforgettable moments here in India. It's like a second home to me. So, I am always here to do many things. Often for weddings... we do a lot of (performances for) weddings. So I always find myself in and out of India. I don't think I will ever be in a position where India would be far away from me."

The 51-year-old Grammy winning artiste made his Bollywood debut by singing the iconic 'Chammak Challo' and 'Criminal' songs in the Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Ra.One. He is also engaged in philanthropy in Africa and said he is "100 per cent" willing to be involved in social work in India.

"One hundred percent... The most important thing is finding the best potential partners here. But I would love to do a lot of work here in India for sure," he said, when asked about his philanthropic work such as the solar lighting project (Akon Lighting Africa) in Africa and the possibility of carrying out similar work in India.

He said he is visiting the northeast for the first time and the trip has been "amazing" so far. "This is the first time that I am visiting this side of India. It's beautiful," he said.

The R&B singer also visited an undisclosed location linked to the indigenous Khasi tribe in Meghalaya.

"Music is one of those things that you have to spread... (it) also speaks in a language that, most often, the world doesn't speak,.. music, everybody understands (stands for the language of) love, good karma and positive energy. So, oftentimes, if you do music with positive energy, it will spread quicker and you can become the biggest thing ever. So just keep it (your music) as positive as possible," he said.

In a message to all his fans, Akon said: "I appreciate all you guys for all the support and one love."

The Cherry Blossom Festival, which is supported by the Meghalaya government, is being held on Friday and Saturday. With impressive lineups, the festival attracts thousands of music enthusiasts from across the country every year.

Akon's performance at the event this year is part of his "Superfan Tour," which includes one show per country in Asia during November and December, with additional stops in as many as eight countries.

from NDTV News-India-news

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Video: Students Put Cracker In Petrol Bag, Burst It In Front Of Fuel Tanker

In an attempt to make a viral social media post, three students in Karnataka's Hassan district placed a cracker inside a transparent plastic bag full of petrol and exploded it in front of a stationary fuel tanker. All three were arrested, produced in court and let off with a warning after paying a fine.

The 25-second video, shot on Tuesday, shows a massive explosion in front of the parked tanker as the youngsters set the bag ablaze before running to safety. The tanker, however, was unaffected by the blast and a bigger mishap was averted.

Police said the students are pursuing a graduation in Ayurvedic medicine. After the clip went viral, a case was registered against the three students and they were arrested.

"The three students were arrested under provisions of the Karnataka Police Act and produced in court. The court gave the students a warning and imposed a fine, before releasing them," Hassan Superintendent of Police MS Sujita said.

from NDTV News-India-news

After Maharashtra Polls, A Fresh Battle Brews For The Top Post

"Complicated" is going to be the middle name of the assembly election in Maharashtra this year. But the state is bracing for an even tougher battle once the dust settles - one for the Chief Minister's chair. No matter which side wins, ruling alliance Mahayuti or the Opposition Maha Vikas Aghadi, that decision is unlikely to be simple or straightforward - so much so that many are expecting a political reconfiguration post-result, a sequel of what happened in 2019 that set the stage for a drastic political upheaval two years down the line.

What makes the situation complicated is resolute nature of the claimants -- on each side, only two appear to be running for the top post.

It is difficult to assess the ambitions of both factions of the NCP. On one side is veteran leader Sharad Pawar, dubbed by many as the Chanakya of Maharashtra, on the other hand, there is his nephew Ajit Pawar, who is being seen as the "kingmaker" in this election.

In the ruling alliance, Eknath Shinde's Shiv Sena is eager to see its leader get the top job again, and many surveys have already declared him a popular leader. But that could prove insufficient should the Mahayuti win, with Devendra Fadnavis and his supporters waiting in the wings.

Back in June 2022, Mr Fadnavis's supporters had been disgruntled over what they saw as short shrift to their leader despite the key role he played in steering the party back to power.

Mr Fadnavis had made his reluctance to accept the number 2 position clear - he accepted only at the last minute after orders from the party high command.  An extra chair had to be brought so he could join Mr Shinde on the dais for the oath ceremony at the Raj Bhavan.

This time, there are whispers that the BJP's chief strategist, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, is garnering votes for Mr Fadnavis. At a recent public rally, he said, "Maharashtra has a lot of faith in Modi ji and Fadnavis ji". There was no mention of Eknath Shinde.

But the real drama appears reserved for the Opposition MVA should it come to power.

In 2019, the BJP had accused Uddhav Thackeray of breaking the alliance with his steadfast demand for the top post. This time, while Mr Thackeray has not been explicit, his allies are not expecting him to give up on his claim.

But unlike in 2019, a new claimant has appeared on the scene - the Congress with its 13 Lok Sabha seats.

While Mr Thackeray has repeatedly demanded that the Chief ministerial face of the alliance be declared well in advance, Congress' big leader and former Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan made it clear that the party which has more MLAs, will get the top job.

There is also talk of Sharad Pawar's faction of the Nationalist Congress Party adding the veteran leader's daughter, Supriya Sule, in the mix if need be.

Maharashtra votes on November 20 in a single phase and the counting of votes will be held on November 23.

from NDTV News-India-news

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's Daughter Gets Married In Rajasthan's Kota

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's daughter Anjali got married at a function here on Tuesday night. His son-in-law Aneesh hails from a noted business family in Kota.

The marriage was solemnised on the occasion of Dev Uthani Gyaras.

Leader of Opposition in Rajasthan Assembly Rajendra Singh Rathore, the state's minister of youth affairs Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, MLAs and other dignitaries attended the function.

A reception will be held on Wednesday at a resort on Bundi Road and the city is expected to witness some VIP movement. Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav and Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma are scheduled to visit Kota for the reception

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Smog Blanket Over North India, Air Quality In "Severe" Level

There has been an early onset of toxic cover across Delhi and north India this year owing to stubble burning across the north Indian states. What is also shocking is the scale of the smog cover, as well as the level of pollutants present in it.

Satellite images show the white blanked stretching across the whole of north India -- all the way down to Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. In the east, it stretches well beyond Central Uttar Pradesh.

The smog blanket, while registering its presence just around Diwali, settles down in earnest towards the end of December and continues throughout January.

What makes this doubly clear is a satellite image from last year. Here is a comparison of both images from the Korean Geo Kompsat 2A satellite.

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The smog cover over Delhi was thick and significantly dropped air quality to the 'Severe' category. The Air Quality Index had crossed the 400 mark -- when the approved mark is around 60.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Pollution board CAQM said: "Today, Delhi's daily average AQI clocked 418 as per the 4 PM AQI Bulletin by CPCB. The CAQM Sub-Committee on GRAP accordingly took stock of the air quality scenario and the AQI forecast, including for the meteorological conditions as made by IMD/ IITM."

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The low visibility sevrely hampered flight operations. The smog caused zero visibility at the Indira Gandhi International Airport at 8.30 am. The Runway Visual Range varied between 125 and 500 metres, the met department said.

The pollution board said they expect the situation to improve by tomorrow morning, "owing to stronger winds".

The Air Quality Index is also expected to move back to the 'Very Poor' category tomorrow.

from NDTV News-India-news

Display Names, Phone Numbers: Vendors At Delhi Vegetable Market Told

Street vendors at a vegetable market in Delhi's Najafgarh will have to display their names on carts in a move the local councillor and the market association claimed was aimed at preventing "illegal" Bangladeshi and Rohingya migrants from selling produce there.

The market association has also directed the vendors to display their phone numbers on nameplates on the carts, which will have a unique "thela number" issued by it.

The decision to implement this plan was made in a meeting of the market association with the local councillor earlier this month, following complaints of unidentified sellers, suspected to be illegal migrants from Bangladesh and Myanmar, selling produce.

Local BJP Councillor Amit Kharkhari said the move was not meant to discriminate against anyone or any particular community but for security.

Nazafgarh Vyapar Mandal President Santosh Rajput told PTI, "We have asked all street vendors in the area to submit identity documents such as Aadhaar for verification." This record will be maintained by the market association and submitted to the local police as well as the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) for security purposes, he added.

The association said there were around 300 street vendors who sold farm produce in the market area.

There are plans to complete the verification process by November 20, Rajput said.

"With this move, we aim to improve the system in the vegetable market. If the names and phone numbers of vendors are displayed on their carts, any buyer with a grievance can report it to us. This will also help us identify illegal migrants selling goods. We will forward their details to the MCD and the police," he said.

Anyone who does not have a nameplate will not be allowed to sell their produce in the market, he added.

Kharkhari said the decision to implement the action was taken unanimously by the market association and locals during a meeting at his office.

"This is not being done to discriminate against anyone or any particular community. This is just for security. We have received several complaints about unauthorised persons operating in the market. Keeping this in mind, the decision was made and is being implemented," he said.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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