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Saturday, April 1, 2023

केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री अमित शाह ने पूर्वोत्तर के उग्रवादियों से मुख्यधारा में शामिल होने की अपील की

केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री अमित शाह ने शनिवार को पूर्वोत्तर में सक्रिय आतंकवादियों से मुख्यधारा में शामिल होने की अपील की.
आइलोज में एक रैली को संबोधित करते हुए शाह ने जोर दिया कि मिजोरम में शांति बहाली भारतीय लोकतंत्र की जीत का उदाहरण है. शाह ने आज 2,414 करोड़ रुपये की लागत वाली 11 परियोजनाओं में से कुछ का डिजिटल तरीके से उद्धाटन किया और कुछ की आधारशिला रखी.

उन्होंने कहा, ‘‘मैं पूर्वोत्तर के शेष सक्रिय उग्रवादी संगठनों से मुख्यधारा में लौटने, लोकतांत्रिक प्रक्रिया का हिस्सा बनने और क्षेत्र तथा देश के विकास में योगदान की अपील करता हूं. मिजोरम में शांति स्थापित हो गई है, जहां उग्रवाद हुआ करता था. यह भारत के लोकतंत्र की जीत का अभूतपूर्व उदाहरण है.''

मिजोरम के मुख्यमंत्री जोरमथांगा ने शाह का स्वागत करते हुए कहा कि उनकी यात्रा केंद्र के साथ राज्य के संबंधों को मजबूत करने में मदद करेगी. शाह ने राज्य में असम राइफल्स बटालियन मुख्यालय के नये परिसर का उद्घाटन भी किया. उन्होंने कहा कि पूर्वोत्तर उग्रवाद के साथ-साथ रेल, सड़क एवं हवाई संपर्क की कमी से जूझ रहा था और 2014 में जब मोदी नीत सरकार केन्द्र में आयी तो ‘‘विकास का नामो-निशान नहीं था.''

शाह ने कहा, ‘‘पिछले नौ साल में, हम पूर्वोत्तर में शांति लाने, संपर्क बढ़ाने में सफल रहे हैं और विकास के मामले में क्षेत्र को देश के अन्य हिस्सों की बराबरी में लाने में कामयाब हुए हैं.'' पूर्वोत्तर के विकास के लिए केंद्र की प्रतिबद्धता को रेखांकित करते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि मोदी सरकार ने क्षेत्र के लिए बजट आवंटन को 276 प्रतिशत बढ़ा दिया है.

शाह ने कहा, ‘‘केन्द्र सरकार क्षेत्र के सभी आठ राज्यों की राजधानियों को 2025 तक रेल, सड़क और हवाई मार्ग से जोड़ने की दिशा में काम कर रही है. इन परियोजनाओं की लागत 1,76,000 करोड़ रुपये आने की संभावना है.'' जोरमथांगा ने यहां लम्मुअल में एक जनसभा को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि राज्य लंबे समय से शाह के राज्य का दौरा करने और असम राइफल्स परिसर, लालडेंगा सांस्कृतिक केंद्र व अन्य विकास परियोजनाओं का उद्घाटन करने का इंतजार कर रहा था.

उन्होंने कहा कि राज्य के पहले मुख्यमंत्री लालडेंगा के समय सरकार ने असम राइफल्स कैंप के लिए जमीन चिन्हित की थी. मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि केंद्रीय गृह मंत्रालय (एमएचए) ने नए असम राइफल्स मुख्यालय परिसर के निर्माण के लिए धन स्वीकृत किया और अब यह उद्घाटन के लिए तैयार है. मुख्यमंत्री के अनुसार, प्रस्तावित लालडेंगा सांस्कृतिक केंद्र में 5,000-10,000 लोगों को समायोजित करने के लिए एक सभागार और अन्य सुविधाएं होंगी. इसका निर्माण असम राइफल्स द्वारा खाली किए जाने वाले क्षेत्र (लम्मुअल) में किया जाएगा.

असम राइफल्स मुख्यालय परिसर और अन्य विकास परियोजनाओं का उद्घाटन करने के बाद शाह ने कहा कि अर्धसैनिक बल का अड्डा मध्य आइजोल से ज़ोखवासंग स्थानांतरित किया जाएगा, जो आइजोल से लगभग 15 किलोमीटर पूर्व में स्थित है. केन्द्रीय मंत्री ने कहा कि 2014 के बाद से पूर्वोत्तर में हिंसा की घटनाओं में 67 प्रतिशत की कमी आयी है, सुरक्षा बलों के कर्मियों की मौत में 60 फीसदी और असैन्य नागरिकों की मौत में 83 प्रतिशत की कमी आयी है.

शाह ने कहा, ‘‘क्षेत्र में 2014 से अभी तक करीब 8,000 उग्रवादियों ने आत्मसमर्पण किया है. हमने 2019 में त्रिपुरा में एनएलएफटी के साथ शांति समझौता किया, त्रिपुरा में 37,000 ब्रू लोगों का पुनर्वास किया और 2020 में बोडो समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर करके असम में शांति स्थापित की.''

ये भी पढ़ें:-
बिहारशरीफ में फिर बिगड़े हालात, दो गुटों के बीच फायरिंग और झड़प की खबर, कई घायल
पाकिस्तान में महंगाई चरम पर, बीते 10 दिनों में खाना लूटने के लिए हुई भगदड़ में 20 की मौत
"पहले की सरकारें तुष्टिकरण ही करती थीं लेकिन हम...", पीएम मोदी ने MP को दी वंदे भारत ट्रेन की सौगात

from NDTV India - Latest

UP Congress Leader Charger Over Remarks On PM Modi

The Uttar Pradesh Police on Saturday charged Congress state general secretary Sachin Chaudhary over his alleged objectionable remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The case under relevant sections of the law was registered at Sambhal Kotwali based on a complaint filed by the BJP's youth wing leader Akshit Agarwal, Additional Superintendent of Police Shrish Chandra said.

Mr Agarwal, the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) district unit office in-charge, told reporters that the Congress leader made the remarks against the prime minister during a press conference here on Friday.

At the press meet, Mr Chaudhary targeted Prime Minister Modi over the Adani issue.

He said a video clip of the Congress leader's "indecent and objectionable" remarks has gone viral on social media.

The Congress leader also made certain objectionable remarks against Hinduism, he alleged.

Mr Agarwal said he also submitted a video clip of the Congress leader's remarks to the police.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

(Disclaimer: New Delhi Television is a subsidiary of AMG Media Networks Limited, an Adani Group Company.)

from NDTV News-India-news

सिद्धारमैया बोले- "यह मेरा आखिरी चुनाव, कर्नाटक में कांग्रेस सबसे बड़ी पार्टी बनकर उभरेगी"

कर्नाटक कांग्रेस के प्रमुख नेताओं में से एक सिद्धारमैया, जो अपने विधायक पुत्र यतींद्र सिद्धारमैया के निर्वाचन क्षेत्र वरुणा से अगले महीने विधानसभा चुनाव लड़ने की तैयारी कर रहे हैं. उन्होंने एनडीटीवी से कहा कि वह हारने से नहीं डरते हैं.

कर्नाटक के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री सिद्धारमैया ने पहले ही घोषणा कर दी है कि वह इस साल के चुनाव के बाद अब चुनावी राजनीति में भाग नहीं लेंगे. इससे पहले कि कांग्रेस की पहली सूची में उन्हें मैसूर में वरुणा से उम्मीदवार के रूप में दिखाया गया, सिद्धारमैया एक प्रमुख खनन क्षेत्र, कोलार निर्वाचन क्षेत्र से टिकट पाने की उम्मीद कर रहे थे.

सिद्धारमैया ने एनडीटीवी से कहा, "कांग्रेस सबसे बड़ी पार्टी बनकर उभरेगी." उन्होंने कहा, त्रिशंकु विधानसभा का कोई सवाल ही नहीं है. अभी के लिए वह कांग्रेस नेता राहुल गांधी की कोलार यात्रा से पहले की तैयारियों की देखरेख में व्यस्त हैं, उसी स्थान पर जहां राहुल गांधी ने 2019 के आम चुनाव के दौरान मोदी उपनाम पर एक विवादास्पद टिप्पणी की थी, जिसके कारण उन्हें लोकसभा से अयोग्य ठहराया गया. हाल ही में मानहानि के मामले में सजा के बाद.

कर्नाटक कांग्रेस के नेता ने वरुणा से चुनाव लड़ना चुना, क्योंकि वहीं से उन्होंने अपने राजनीतिक जीवन की शुरुआत की, और जब उन्होंने फैसला किया कि वह चुनावी राजनीति छोड़ना चाहते हैं, तो उन्होंने आखिरी बार अपने गृह निर्वाचन क्षेत्र वरुणा को चुना. सिद्धारमैया आमतौर पर दो सीटों से चुनाव लड़ते हैं. उन्होंने महीनों तक कोलार से लड़ने की जमीन तैयार की थी. फरवरी में कर्नाटक कांग्रेस को दिए अपने आवेदन में, सिद्धारमैया ने बदामी, वरुणा और कोलार का उल्लेख तीन निर्वाचन क्षेत्रों के रूप में किया था, जिसमें से वह चुनेंगे.

बादामी और कोलार कांग्रेस की पहली सूची में शामिल नहीं हैं, क्योंकि सिद्धारमैया पिछली बार की तरह दो सीटों से चुनाव लड़ने की योजना बना रहे थे. सूत्रों ने कहा कि यह संभावना नहीं है कि उन्हें कोलार मिलेगा, क्योंकि स्थानीय रिपोर्टों से पता चलता है कि वह वहां से नहीं जीत सकते. कल तक ऐसी भी अटकलें थीं कि कर्नाटक के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री और बीजेपी नेता बीएस येदियुरप्पा के बेटे बीवाई विजयेंद्र उस सीट से चुनाव लड़ेंगे, जहां से सिद्धारमैया चुनाव लड़ेंगे.

येदियुरप्पा ने बाद में अपने बेटे के बारे में अटकलों पर विराम लगा दिया. विजयेंद्र उसी सीट शिकारीपुरा से चुनाव लड़ेंगे, जहां उनके पिता 1983 से सात बार जीते थे. कर्नाटक विधानसभा चुनाव 10 मई को होंगे. वोटों की गिनती तीन दिन बाद होगी.

ये भी पढ़ें:-
बिहारशरीफ में फिर बिगड़े हालात, दो गुटों के बीच फायरिंग और झड़प की खबर, कई घायल
पाकिस्तान में महंगाई चरम पर, बीते 10 दिनों में खाना लूटने के लिए हुई भगदड़ में 20 की मौत
"पहले की सरकारें तुष्टिकरण ही करती थीं लेकिन हम...", पीएम मोदी ने MP को दी वंदे भारत ट्रेन की सौगात

from NDTV India - Latest

Gurugram Man Assaulted By 5 Men For Overtaking Car On Highway

Enraged at being overtaken, five men allegedly chased after a car and thrashed its driver on the Gurugram-Faridabad Road, Gurugram police said on Saturday.

According to the Kadarpur village resident Sandeep Jangra, the alleged incident occurred around 11.52 pm on Thursday when he was returning from Sonepat.

When Mr Jangra crossed the Bandhwari toll plaza, some men in a Hyundai Aura overtook his car and suddenly stopped in front of it, he said in his police complaint.

Seeing the five men disembark, Mr Jangra said he got scared and drove towards Gwal Pahari village. He alleged that the men caught up with his car after its tyre burst, brought him out and thrashed him.

They also threatened to kill him and warned him against overtaking in the future.

On the basis of Jangra's complaint, an FIR was registered against the five unidentified accused under sections 323 (causing hurt), 34 (common intention), 341 (wrongful confinement), 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code at DLF Phase 1 police station on Saturday.

"We are trying to identify the accused and they will be arrested at the earliest," said DLF Phase 1 police station SHO Dinesh Kumar.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

पीएम मोदी ने संयुक्‍त कमांडर सम्‍मेलन में की शिरकत, सशस्‍त्र बलों की तैयारियों की समीक्षा की

प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने भोपाल में संयुक्त कमांडर सम्मेलन 2023 के समापन सत्र के दौरान सशस्त्र बलों की सुरक्षा स्थिति और परिचालन तैयारियों की समीक्षा की. प्रधानमंत्री को प्रमुख रक्षा अध्यक्ष (सीडीएस) जनरल अनिल चौहान ने इस वर्ष के सम्मेलन के दौरान हुई विभिन्न चर्चाओं के बारे में जानकारी दी. इस मौके पर पीएम मोदी ने राष्ट्र निर्माण और मित्र देशों को मानवीय सहायता और आपदा राहत (एचएडीआर) सहायता प्रदान करने में अहम भूमिका निभाने के लिए सशस्त्र बलों की सराहना की. 

पीएम मोदी ने सेना के तीनों अंगों से नए और उभरते खतरों से निपटने के लिए तैयार रहने का आह्वान किया और इस बात पर जोर दिया कि सशस्त्र बलों को आवश्यक हथियारों और तकनीकों से सुसज्जित करने के लिए सभी कदम उठाए जा रहे हैं.  

सत्र के अंतिम दिन डिजिटलीकरण के पहलुओं सहित साइबर सुरक्षा, सोशल मीडिया की चुनौतियां, आत्मनिर्भरता,  अग्निवीरों के समामेलन और संयुक्तता पर चर्चा की गई. इस साल के सम्मेलन के दायरे का विस्तार किया गया, जिसमें भारतीय थल सेना, भारतीय नौसेना और भारतीय वायु सेना की हर कमान के सैनिकों की भागीदारी सु‍निश्चित करने के साथ ही कुछ बहु-स्तरीय और इंटरऐक्टिव सत्र आयोजित किए गए, इसमें त्रि-सेवा अंडमान और निकोबार कमान भी शामिल थी. 

देश के संयुक्त शीर्ष स्तर के सैन्य नेतृत्व का यह तीन दिवसीय सम्मेलन 30 मार्च 2023 को शुरू हुआ. इसका विषय 'रेडी, रिसर्जेंट, रिलेवेंट' रखा गया. रक्षा मंत्री राजनाथ सिंह भी शुक्रवार को इसमें शामिल हुए. उन्‍होंने शीर्ष सैन्य अधिकारियों के साथ बातचीत की और रक्षा तैयारियों की समीक्षा की. 

इस साल का सम्मेलन इसलिए भी ख़ास था, जिसमें टीटीपी में बदलाव जैसे मुद्दों और तीनों सेवाओं के बीच अधिक एकीकरण के लिए आगामी उपायों के लिए फील्ड यूनिटों से इनपुट मांगे गए. सैन्य कमांडरों द्वारा इन इनपुट्स पर विस्तार से विचार-विमर्श किया गया. 

ये भी पढ़ें :

* "पहले की सरकारें तुष्टिकरण ही करती थीं लेकिन हम...", पीएम मोदी ने MP को दी वंदे भारत ट्रेन की सौगात
* पीएम मोदी ने लोगों को आधुनिक भारत से जोड़ते हुए पारदर्शी व्यवस्था सुनिश्चित की : पीयूष गोयल
* "पुलिस को अमित शाह से पूछना चाहिए कि..": 'मोदी को फंसाने' वाले बयान पर बोले अशोक गहलोत

from NDTV India - Latest

"Can't Ignore Savarkar's Sacrifice, But...": Sharad Pawar

Nobody can ignore late Hindutva ideologue VD Savarkar's sacrifice for the country's independence struggle but disagreements over him cannot be made a national issue today as there are many pressing matters to focus on, said Nationalist Congress Party chief Sharad Pawar on Saturday.

Defending Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who is being targeted by the Bharatiya Janata Party for speaking about issues in India on foreign soil, he said this is not the first time an Indian has spoken about issues in the country while abroad.

Pawar was speaking at the Press Club in Nagpur, where he also visited Union minister Nitin Gadkari's home.

To a query on whether he spoke to Rahul Gandhi about Savarkar and if the Congress leader would slow down in his criticism of the late Hindutva ideologue, Pawar said leaders of 18-20 political parties recently sat and discussed major issues before the country.

The BJP has accused Gandhi of repeatedly "insulting" Savarkar. It is also organising Savarkar Gaurav Yatra in his honour.

"I suggested that there is a need for us to deliberate on the way the country is being run by those in power," he said.

Pawar said, "Today, Savarkar is not a national issue, it is an old thing. We had said a few things about Savarkar but it was not personal. It was against Hindu Maha Sabha. But there is another side to it as well. We cannot ignore the sacrifice made by Savarkar ji for the independence of the country."

About 32 years ago, Pawar said, he had spoken in Parliament about Savarkar's progressive views. He said Savarkar built a house in Ratnagiri and also constructed a small temple in front of it. "He deputed a person from the Valmiki community to perform puja in the temple. I think this was a very progressive thing," said Pawar.

The NCP leader said there is no need to thrust Savarkar into the national narrative especially because there many other major issues concerning the common public.

On the BJP's criticism of Gandhi, Pawar said the Congress leader also has the freedom to put his opinion like everyone else.

As if it is proper for a leader to speak about issues concerning India on foreign soil, Pawar said one should not give much importance to it as this has not been done for the first time.

The NCP leader leaders criticised the government in the past as well. "Only now such issues are being brought up repeatedly. If people feel agitated over something in the country and if an Indian talks about it, then I think those issues should be addressed." To a query if he thinks Lok Sabha and state elections will be held together in 2024, Pawar said they won't happen at the same time.

During his Nagpur visit, Pawar also visited Union minister Nitin Gadkari at the latter's home and called it a courtesy visit. On the request of Gadkari to Pawar, a sub-centre of Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune, is coming up in Nagpur. Pawar is the president of this institute.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Friday, March 31, 2023

"Like Bullet Train": Congress On Events Leading To Rahul Gandhi Setback

The Congress on Friday said the sequence of events connected with Rahul Gandhi's disqualification from Lok Sabha unfolded with the speed of a "bullet train" and alleged that the BJP expects him to "apologise" to "people who have run away" after taking people's money from India.

Addressing a press conference at the Rajiv Bhawan, Congress media and publicity department chairperson Pawan Khera said in the last few days, a "tsunami of support" has come up on Twitter, with many people offering their homes to Mr Gandhi as "he lives in our hearts" and the government does not need to worry about his home.

A notice to Mr Gandhi to vacate the 12, Tughlaq Lane bungalow was served by the Housing Committee of Lok Sabha following his disqualification last week after a Surat court convicted and sentenced him to two years imprisonment in a 2019 criminal defamation case over his "Modi surname" remark. Mr Khera said the party's campaign seeking answers in the Adani issue will continue with vigour, and "our party leader will not apologise to anyone, whatever may be the consequences".

The Congress on Thursday had used embattled IPL founder Lalit Modi's tweets threatening to take Mr Gandhi to court to attack the BJP and said "global scamsters" were now coming to the defence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Launching a fresh salvo at the BJP, Mr Khera said, "first big extracts from his (Gandhi's) speech in Parliament were expunged, and then he was not allowed to come into Parliament, and conditions were kept that if he will come, he would have to apologise first".

He asked, "Apology for what? For a comment that he didn't make, and they alleged that he insulted the country." "The challenges facing democracy in India, to discuss that with Indian students studying abroad, what is wrong with that? Democracy get strengthened through dialogue," Mr Khera said.

He said when an award is given by a foreign country, then they carry that "certification from abroad" and go about it, then they (BJP) don't say as to why a foreign certification is needed. But, if it has been said abroad that there are challenges to democracy then they get offended, the Congress leader said.

Without naming any leader, Mr Khera said when he said how people earlier used to feel ashamed to have been born in India, then was it not an insult to the country in foreign land. Mr Khera said on February 7, Gandhi gave a speech in Parliament on the Adani issue, and put forth his view and asked questions.

"Within nine days, comes a defamation case, on which the petitioner himself had sought a stay earlier. He runs to the court to get his stay vacated. And, hearing begins again in a Surat court, and seven hearings take place in 20 days. Bullet train! And, then punishment is pronounced. Within 24-hour of the sentence, he (Gandhi) is disqualified from Lok Sabha," Mr Khera said. "And, even 24 hours had not elapsed after the disqualification, a letter comes on cancellation of allotment of his government bungalow. This is called bullet train," he alleged.

The Congress has been accusing the BJP and Prime Minister Modi of assisting the business group in getting projects in its favour, a charge denied by the ruling party.

"And, it is being expected from us that we apologise to Nirav Modi, we apologise to Mehul Choksi. Rahul Gandhi had taken name of 3-4 such people, during his speech in Karnataka -- Nirav Modi, Mehul Choksi, Lalit Modi and Vijay Mallya," he claimed.

"My leader will not apologise to these friends of yours, who have absconded after taking money of this country," Mr Khera alleged.

"My leader didn't apologise... One of them have even threatened to file a case in London. This has come to our democracy. See, who are coming in defence of the PM," he asked.

Mr Khera claimed that the BJP is "anxious" after the "success of the Bharat Jodo Yatra", and the way Mr Gandhi is raising questions.

"We will not apologise to your friends who have run away after taking people's money, whatever may be the consequences," the Congress leader said.

The Opposition party has been relentlessly attacking the BJP for allegedly allowing economic offenders such as Nirav Modi, Lalit Modi and Mehul Choksi get away and flee abroad with people's money.

In a series of tweets on Thursday, Lalit Modi said, "I see just about every Tom, Dick and Gandhi associates again and again saying I am a fugitive of justice. why? How? and when was I...convicted of same." "Unlike #Papu aka @RahulGandhi now an ordinary citizen saying it and it seems one and all opposition leaders have nothing else to do so they too are either ill-informed or just vendetta prone. I have decided to take the court in UK right away. I am sure he will have to come up with some solid evidence. I look forward to seeing him make a complete fool of himself," he had tweeted.

Asked about their campaign, Mr Khera said that "we will seek answers, we will reiterate our demand for a JPC (joint parliamentary committee probe into the Adani issue)... raise voices from streets if not allowed to speak in Parliament".

"Rallies will continue and even Rahul ji has an event in Karnataka at the place where he had made the speech in 2019," he said.

The Lok Sabha Secretariat disqualified Mr Gandhi as MP from Wayanad in Kerala after his conviction in the case for his remark.

Asked about the OBC issue attached with Gandhi's comments, Mr Khera said people who are "equating these 'thieves as OBC' are dishonouring the OBC community".

Asked about the reactions on his tweet on Lord Ram on Ram Navami, the senior Congress leader said, "Did I mention Rahul Gandhi in my tweet? And, if some people are 'equating' Lord Ram's mention in my tweet with Rahul Gandhi, can they tell who are the 'Rakhsash' (the evil)".

On the violence in parts of West Bengal on Ram Navami day, he alleged, "It is a toolkit of those in power at the Centre to ensure that there is a slow burner communalism constantly activated in the country".

"We condemn the violence and and request the state government and expect from the central government to ensure peace is restored and such divisive politics is stopped," Mr Khera said.

Asked about Prime Minister Modi's visit to the new Parliament building on Thursday, he dubbed the infrastructure project a "vanity project".

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

(Disclaimer: New Delhi Television is a subsidiary of AMG Media Networks Limited, an Adani Group Company.)

from NDTV News-India-news

CM भगवंत मान की बेटी को USA में मिल रही है जान से मारने की धमकी : स्वाति मालीवाल

खालिस्तानी समर्थक भगोड़े अमृतपाल सिंह की गिरफ्तारी के प्रयासों के बीच पंजाब के सीएम भगवंत मान की बेटी को लेकर बड़ी खबर सामने आई है. दिल्ली महिला आयोग की अध्यक्ष स्वाति मालीवाल ने दावा किया सीएम मान की बेटी को अमेरिका में जान से मारने की धमकियां मिल रही हैं. उन्होंने कहा कि हम चाहते हैं कि अमेरिका में भारतीय दूतावास सीएम मान की बेटी की सुरक्षा को सुनिश्चित करे. 

खास बात ये है कि सीएम मान की बेटी सीरत कौर को बीते कुछ दिनों से पंजाब पुलिस द्वारा अमृतपाल सिंह की गिरफ्तारी को लेकर किए जा रहे प्रयासों के बाद ही धमकियां मिली हैं. स्वाति मालीवाल ने सीरत को मिल रही धमकियों पर चिंता व्यक्त करते हुए कहा कि जो भी लोग ऐसा कर रहे हैं वो ये बता रहे हैं कि वो कितने कायर हैं. 

स्वाति मालीवाल ने इस घटना को लेकर एक ट्वीट भी किया. उन्होंने अपने ट्वीट में लिखा कि मैंने ऐसी कई रिपोर्ट पढ़ीं हैं जिसमे कहा गया है कि सीएम मान की बेटी को किस तरह से अमेरिका में जान से मारने की धमकियां मिल रही हैं. जो लोग ऐसा कर रहे हैं वो कायर हैं. मैं अमेरिका में भारतीय दूतावास से इस मामले में हस्तक्षेप करने की मांग करती हूं और साथ ही मांग करती हूं कि सीरत को पुख्ता सुरक्षा दी जाए. 

गौरतलब है कि भगोड़े अमृतपाल सिंह (Amritpal Singh) के साथ मौके से फरार सहयोगी जोगा सिंह को पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार कर लिया है. उसे लुधियाना के पास सानेहवाल से पकड़ा गया. अमृतपाल अपने सहयोगी पपलप्रीत और ड्राइवर जोगा के साथ होशियापुर से फरार हुआ था. अमृतपाल ने जोगा से कहा था कि वो अपना मोबाइल फोन लेकर भाग जाए. पंजाब पुलिस जोगा सिंह का मोबाइल फोन ट्रैक कर रही थी और उसी आधार पर अमृतपाल की लोकेशन ट्रैक कर रही थी. पुलिस फिलहाल गिरफ्तार आरोपी से अमृतपाल को लेकर पूछताछ कर रही है. 

from NDTV India - Latest

"For Nurturing Its Politics...": Trinamool Attacks BJP Over Howrah Clashes

A day after clash erupted between two groups amid Ram Navami celebrations in Howrah, Trinamool Congress MP Abhishek Banerjee on Friday, launched a fresh round of attacks on the Bharatiya Janata Party for "spoiling" the atmosphere in the state and creating "enmity" among the people.

Addressing a press conference, here on Friday, Abhishek Banerjee, said, "For the past few days, there have been attempts to disrupt the peace and harmony in Bengal. We have appealed to everyone to maintain peace and order".

"Despite that, a political party, for nurturing its politics, despite having no police permission, vehemently took out the procession on a route where issues happened last year as well," he added.

During the press conference, the TMC MP also showed several videos, where some people with 'saffron' flags and chanting "Jai Shri Ram" slogans were purportedly seen torching and ransacking properties.

Banerjee said, "People were carrying guns and swords in the Ram Navami procession. Shops and materials of small vendors were vandalised. What form of a procession is this? Insanely playing DJ and worshipping Ram is which ritual? We have lived in Bengal for so long, never seen anything like this. I might be lying, but these videos won't lie".

He accused BJP of creating enmity among people and forcefully imposing their "culture" on Bengal.

"Such incidents didn't happen in the 2011-2016 period. It started after they (BJP) came in power at the centre and won three seats in the Bengal Assembly. They started treating the whole state as their personal property. Creating enmity among people of different communities, forcefully imposing their culture on the people of Bengal and shamelessly reaping political fruits out of it," Banerjee said.

The TMC leader said further 'challenged' BJP to call out for the arrest of those being seen doing violence in the said videos.

"I am clearly saying here that those who have done violence, whether they are from any religion, or political party, strict action will be taken against them. But I would like to challenge BJP if any of their leaders come and says on record, that they want those people under arrest who are seen setting properties of poor people on fire and dancing with weapons. I challenge them. Our Chief Minister has appealed to people to keep harmony, but has the BJP leader given any statement even after 24 hours?" Banerjee added.

He alleged that the incidents of violence were "pre-planned" in nature.

"This was pre-planned. From Shyambazar, a BJP leader was saying to keep eye on TV tomorrow. Why? Just a day before, that leader met with the Home Minister and came to Shyambazar," he said.

He further added, "There was no reply to Howrah Police Commissionerate regarding details of permission copy, the exact number of participants and exact beginning and end of the rally. They did not submit any documents but started taking out a procession on the route which was not permitted".

The TMC leader added that if there is any lapse on the police side, they will be booked and action will be taken against them, as the Chief Minister said.

Earlier in the day, the situation turned violent in the Shibpur area of Howrah, after fresh violence broke out here on Friday a day after arson on 'Ram Navami'.

This came after two groups clashed on Thursday in Howrah amid Ram Navami celebrations. During the procession, the rioters vandalized public and private properties and set vehicles on fire.

After the disruptions, West Bengal Police on Thursday conducted a flag march in Howrah where violence broke out during a Ram Navami procession.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

पीएम मोदी का कल भोपाल दौरा, इंदौर हादसे के मद्देनजर रोड शो और स्वागत कार्यक्रम रद्द

मध्य प्रदेश के इंदौर में रामनवमी पर्व पर हुए हादसे के मद्देनजर भाजपा ने एक अप्रैल को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की भोपाल यात्रा के दौरान उनके एक संक्षिप्त रोड शो और उनके भव्य स्वागत की अपनी योजना रद्द कर दी है. अब यह कार्यक्रम नहीं होंगे. पीएम मोदी भोपाल में पूर्व निर्धारित कंबाइंड कमांडर कॉन्फ्रेंस में शामिल होंगे और वंदे भारत एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन को हरी झंडी दिखाएंगे.

पीएम मोदी के मध्यप्रदेश की राजधानी भोपाल के दौरे के कार्यक्रम के मुताबिक वे एक अप्रैल को सुबह 8:05 बजे दिल्ली से एयरफोर्स के विमान से रवाना होंगे और 9:25 बजे भोपाल के ओल्ड स्टेट हैंगर पर पहुंचेंगे. वे सुबह 9:30 बजे स्टेट हैंगर से हेलीकॉप्टर से रवाना होकर सुबह 9:50 बजे लाल परेड मैदान के हेलीपैड पर उतरेंगे. वे सुबह 10 बजे कुशाभाऊ ठाकरे कन्वेंशन सेंटर में कंबाइंड कमांडर कॉन्फ्रेंस में शामिल होंगे. 

पीएम मोदी दोपहर 3:05 बजे कुशाभाऊ ठाकरे सभागार से कार द्वारा रवाना होंगे और 3:15 बजे रानी कमलापति रेलवे स्टेशन पहुचेंगे. वहां ले वंदे भारत ट्रेन को रवाना करेंगे. वे दोपहर 3:35 बजे कार से रानी कमलापति रेलवे स्टेशन से बीयू परिसर के हेलीपैड के लिए रवाना होंगे. वे दोपहर 3:45 बजे बीयू के हेलीपैड से भोपाल एयरपोर्ट के लिए हेलीकॉप्टर से रवाना होंगे. वे शाम 4:10 बजे भोपाल एयरपोर्ट से दिल्ली के लिए रवाना होंगे.

मध्‍य प्रदेश में इंदौर के पटेल नगर के बेलेश्वर महादेव झूलेलाल मंदिर में गुरुवार को रामनवमी के अवसर पर आयोजित हवन के दौरान पुरातन बावड़ी की छत ढहने की घटना में मरने वालों की संख्या 36 हो गई है. एनडीआरएफ, एसडीआरएफ, नगर निगम और स्‍थानीय प्रशासन घटनास्‍थल पर मौजूद है. रेस्‍क्‍यू का काम लगभग पूरा हो गया है. 

बेलेश्वर महादेव झूलेलाल मंदिर के पास एक पार्क का एरिया है. स्‍थानीय लोगों का आरोप है कि इस पर अतिक्रमण किया गया था. बावड़ी के ऊपर एक छत का निर्माण कर उस पर पिछले कुछ समय से हवन आदि किया जा रहा था. यह बावड़ी लगभग 200 साल पुरानी बताई जा रही है. रहवासियों का यह भी दावा है कि मंदिर पुरातन बावड़ी पर छत डालकर बनाया गया. रामनवमी के दिन इस छत पर काफी लोग मौजूद थे, जिसका भार छत सहन नहीं पाई और धंस गई. इस हादसे में 36 लोगों की जान चली गई. 

from NDTV India - Latest

Bengal BJP Chief's Big Charge At Mamata Banerjee Over Clashes In Howrah

Launching a scathing attack on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee over violence in Howrah during Ram Navami celebrations, state Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Sukanta Majumdar on Friday said the Trinamool supremo orchestrated the violence for Muslim votes.

"Mamata Banerjee orchestrated this entire violence. Mamata Banerjee has done this work to concentrate the Muslim votes because her Muslim votebank shrank in the by-election. So she resorted to this," Majumdar told ANI.

He said West Bengal BJP has given a timeframe to the police in this matter to solve the case.

Majumdar said if the West Bengal Police is unable to solve this matter, then BJP will raise this issue politically.

"There have been reports of blasts in some places, so I have written a letter to Union Home Minister Amit Shah demanding NIA investigation and Central Force deployment in this matter," Majumdar said.

West Bengal BJP chief on Friday wrote to Union Home Minister Amit Shah seeking National Investigation Agency (NIA) probe into violence in Howrah during Ram Navami celebrations.

In his letter to Shah, Majumdar said, "It is always my privilege to write to you, especially concerning about the affairs of my state. But unfortunately this time I am forced to write about the orchestrated attack on the Processions of Ram Navami in various parts of West Bengal like Howrah, Dalkhota. In Howrah it took ugly turn with bombs and stones thrown on the procession in spite of taking prior permission from police by submitting route map."

"It is our firm belief that the whole incident was pre-planned by the unfolding of events with first statement coming from none other than the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on March 29 that strict action will be taken against the processions of Ram Navami if there is any untoward incident," wrote Majumdar.

Secondly, the BJP leader said on March 30 the procession in Howrah was attacked at the same place where it was attacked during the last Ram Navami in spite of police presence.

"And finally before any investigation, she has given the statement that provocation was done from the processions, ie the Hindu side and there is the involvement of BJP, therefore strict action will be taken against them," Majumdar said.

In Dalkhola also, he further said the same pattern was followed and when BJP MP and former Minister Debasree Chaudhury went to visit the affected area in Dalkhola, she was stopped by the police which proves the pre-determined mindset of the State government.

"After the loss of Minority dominated Sagardighi Assembly seat in the bye election, which came as a shocker to the ruling party, we believe that a conspiracy was hatched using the Ram Navami occasion only to get back the minority vote by indulging into communal politics and attacks and overlooking the involvement of anti-national forces who are going to be encouraged. Therefore, it is my request to order an impartial inquiry involving Central agencies like NIA as done in Mominpur (Kidderpore) to actually nab the culprits and not innocent Hindus or any people who might be framed for their political cause," urged Majumdar.

Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Amit Shah spoke to West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose and took stock of the situation in Howrah where violence broke out.

Shah also called West Bengal BJP president Sukanta Majumdar and enquired about the law and order situation in the state.

Following the violence in West Bengal's Howrah during Ram Navami celebrations, Leader of Opposition in the State Legislative Assembly and BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari on Friday filed a PIL in Calcutta High Court seeking a NIA probe into the matter and immediate deployment of Central Forces in the violence-affected areas.

The Acting Justice of Calcutta High Court granted leave to file the PIL and directed the same to appear at top of the list on Monday, April 3.

Taking to Twitter, Adhikari wrote, "I have filed a Public Interest Litigation today in the High Court at Calcutta pertaining to the incidents of violence and attack on the Ram Navami processions at Howrah and Dalkhola. I have prayed for NIA probe and immediate deployment of Central Forces in such areas for containing the situation and restoration of Law and Order situation as well as for saving innocent lives. The Acting Chief Justice has been pleased grant leave to file the PIL and directed the same to appear on Monday at top of the list."

The situation turned violent in Shibpur area of Howrah on Friday. Fresh violence broke out here, on Friday a day after arson on 'Ram Navami'.

Several vehicles were set on fire earlier on Thursday after two groups clashed in Howrah amid Ram Navami celebrations. During the procession, the rioters vandalized public and private properties and set vehicles on fire.

West Bengal Police on Thursday conducted a flag march in Howrah where violence broke out during a Ram Navami procession.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Thursday, March 30, 2023

UP के इन स्कूलों में बिना परीक्षा दिए प्रमोट होंगे कक्षा 1 से 8वीं तक के छात्र

उत्तर प्रदेश बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद के सचिव की ओर से जारी एक अधिसूचना में कहा गया है कि बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद के तहत स्कूलों में पढ़ने वाले कक्षा 1-8 के सभी छात्रों को बिना परीक्षा के अगली कक्षा में प्रमोट किया जाएगा. यानी किसी भी छात्र को फेल नहीं किया जाएगा.

आदेश के अनुसार, उत्तर प्रदेश बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद के अंतर्गत संचालित सभी परिषदीय विद्यालयों एवं मान्यता प्राप्त विद्यालयों में शैक्षणिक सत्र 2022-23 में कक्षा 1 से 8 तक के किसी भी छात्र की प्रोन्नति नहीं रोकी जाएगी. उन्हें नियमानुसार अगली कक्षा में प्रवेश दिया जाएगा इसके अलावा वार्षिक परीक्षाओं और मूल्यांकन के आधार पर विद्यार्थियों के रिपोर्ट कार्ड बांटने के भी निर्देश दिए हैं. 
गौरतलब है कि शिक्षा का अधिकार अधिनियम के तहत कक्षा एक से आठ तक के बच्चों को अगली कक्षा में प्रमोट करने का प्रावधान है. उन्हें किसी भी परिस्थिति में फेल नहीं किया जा सकता है. बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद के सचिव प्रताप सिंह बघेल की ओर से जारी आदेश में कहा गया है कि परिषदीय व मान्यता प्राप्त विद्यालयों में शैक्षणिक सत्र 2022-23 में कक्षा 1 से 8 तक के किसी भी छात्र का प्रमोशन नहीं रोका जाएगा. 

इस संबंध में महानिदेशक स्कूल शिक्षा विजय किरण आनंद ने कहा, "राज्य सरकार की कोई प्रतिधारण नीति नहीं है. इसके अनुसार कोई भी बच्चा अनुत्तीर्ण नहीं होगा. यह आदेश उसी आरटीई अधिनियम के अनुसार है. यह हर साल लागू होता है और इस साल भी किसी भी बच्चे को नियमानुसार अनुत्तीर्ण नहीं करने के संबंध में आदेश जारी किए गए हैं. इसका उद्देश्य बच्चों का सर्वांगीण विकास सुनिश्चित करने के लिये उन्हें निर्बाध गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा प्रदान करने के साथ-साथ अगली कक्षाओं में प्रोन्नत कर प्रोत्साहित करना है."

आदेश के अनुसार वार्षिक परीक्षा और मूल्यांकन के आधार पर स्कूल के प्राचार्य द्वारा छात्रों को रिपोर्ट कार्ड उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा. वार्षिक परिणाम घोषित होने के दिन विद्यालय प्रबंधन समिति की बैठक भी आयोजित की जाएगी. छात्रों की मूल्यांकन की गई उत्तर पुस्तिकाएं छात्रों और अभिभावकों को दिखाई जाएंगी और रिपोर्ट कार्ड भी उसी समय प्रदान किए जाएंगे.

ये भी पढ़ें:-

इंदौर के एक छह मंजिला होटल में लगी आग.. 42 लोगों को बचाया गया, 10 अस्पताल में भर्ती

इंदौर: रामनवमी पर मंदिर में बावड़ी की छत धंसने से 14 लोगों की मौत, 20 बचाए गए

from NDTV India - Latest

Haryana Cop Arrested For Raping Woman Who Sought Help In Fraud Case

Police on Thursday arrested the Station House Officer (SHO) of City Police Station in Nuh for allegedly raping a 45-year-old woman several times over the last one month.

The woman alleged that SHO Bijender Rathee raped her several times in his home and even at the police station. The matter was booked at Women Police Station, Nuh.

SHO Rathee has been suspended pending a departmental inquiry, police said.

According to the victim's complaint, she had gone to the City Police Station about a month and a half ago to report a matter of fraud.

She said SHO Rathee, who took the complaint, started calling her on her mobile afterwards and called her to the station several times on the pretext of recording her statement. He also visited her house many times on similar excuses, she said, according to police.

"The SHO started molesting me on different pretexts first, and later raped me several times not only at his residence in police lines but also in police station. When I resisted he threatened to kill me," the woman said.

Following her complaint, an FIR was registered against SHO Inspector Bijender Rathee under sections 376 (rape), 506 (criminal intimidation) of the IPC at Women Police Station, Nuh, on Wednesday.

The victim was produced in a city court for her statement and also medically examined.

"After getting sufficient evidence, we have arrested the accused inspector on Thursday and are questioning him. We have suspended the accused inspector and the further probe is underway," said Varun Singla, Superintendent of Police, Nuh.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

राजस्थान चुनाव से पहले सामाजिक कल्याण के जरिए समर्थन जुटाने की जुगत में अशोक गहलोत

राजस्थान दिवस पर मुख्यमंत्री अशोक गहलोत ने 355 ब्लॉकों में फैले 33 जिलों में सरकारी योजनाओं के दो लाख से अधिक लाभार्थियों के एक विशिष्ट समूह के बीच अपनी पहुंच बढ़ाने की कोशिश की. गहलोत ने सोशल मीडिया, वीडियो कॉन्फ्रेंसिंग और व्यक्तिगत बैठक के जरिए पूरे राजस्थान में दो लाख से अधिक लोगों से सीधे जुड़कर उनसे अपनी सामाजिक कल्याण योजनाओं पर प्रतिक्रियाएं लीं.

सरकारी योजनाओं में चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना भी शामिल है जिससे किफायती स्वास्थ्य बीमा मिलता है. इसके अलावा स्वास्थ्य का अधिकार विधेयक, शहरी गरीबों के लिए रोजगार योजना, किसानों के लिए योजनाएं और बिजली और गैस पर सब्सिडी देने की सरकार की योजनाएं हैं.

राजस्थान सरकार ने इस साल के अंत में होने वाले चुनाव से पहले लोगों का समर्थन जुटाने की कोशिश तेज कर दी है. कांग्रेस गहलोत सरकार की ओर से सामाजिक कल्याण के लिए किए गए उपायों के जरिए राज्य में घूम जाने वाले राजनीति के दरवाजे को रोकने की उम्मीद कर रही है.

अशोक गहलोत ने लाभार्थियों से मुलाकात के बाद संवाददाताओं से कहा, "हम प्रतिक्रिया ले रहे हैं क्योंकि सरकारी योजनाओं को लागू करना हमारी सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता है." 

प्रमुख कार्यक्रम बीमा योजना है, जिससे 1.4 लाख परिवार जुड़े चुके हैं. हाल ही में बीमा कवर को बढ़ाकर 25 लाख रुपये कर दिया गया है. सरकार को उम्मीद है कि यह योजना गेम-चेंजर साबित होगी क्योंकि इससे बीमार लोगों को निजी अस्पतालों में भी इलाज कराने की सुविधा मिलती है.

भगवान महावीर कैंसर अस्पताल में इलाज करा रहे कैलाश जांगिड़ ने कहा, "मेरे बेटे को ब्लड कैंसर था. उसके इलाज पर 11 लाख रुपये खर्च होने थे, उसका इलाज कराया. इसके लिए बीमा से भुगतान किया गया."

दिल के मरीज रामजीलाल ने कहा, "मुझे दिल का दौरा पड़ा. मैं एक निजी अस्पताल में भर्ती हुआ. सरकारी योजना के तहत एक निजी अस्पताल में मेरा इलाज किया गया."

लेकिन निजी अस्पतालों से कुछ शिकायतें आई हैं कि बीमा का भुगतान समय पर नहीं किया जाता है. हालांकि राजस्थान के स्वास्थ्य मंत्री प्रसादी लाल मीणा ने कहा कि बीमा योजना के तहत सभी भुगतान 21 दिनों के भीतर किए जाते हैं.

सभी को सस्ती स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदान करने की दिशा में राज्य सरकार का अगला कदम स्वास्थ्य का अधिकार विधेयक है. 

राजस्थान में निजी डॉक्टरों के हड़ताल पर जाने से सरकार को परेशानी हुई है. परीक्षा पेपर लीक मामला और कानून व्यवस्था के मामलों के अलावा बीजेपी अब इस मुद्दे पर भी गहलोत सरकार को निशाने पर लेने की योजना बना रही है.

from NDTV India - Latest

Nothing Wrong In Caring For Endangered Species: Minister Amid Crane Row

There is nothing wrong in caring for an endangered species but one should inform the authorities about it, Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav said on Thursday, responding to a question on Uttar Pradesh forest department filing a case against a man for allegedly "illegally" keeping and nursing an injured Sarus crane.

Arif Khan Gurjar, 35, a resident of Mandkha village of Amethi district, rescued the Sarus crane and took care of it for a year, according to officials.

The crane lived with Arif and accompanied him to his fields. However, forest department officials took it away on March 21.

While the man has been booked under various sections of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, the Sarus crane has been placed in a zoo, after it struggled to survive in the wild.

"Even if we are caring for an endangered species, we need to inform authorities. There is nothing wrong in caring for endangered species. It's our responsibility," the minister said at 'News 18 Rising India' programme here.

A day after the bird was taken away, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav held a press conference during which he condemned the forest department action and asked indirectly if any official had the courage to take away the peacocks at the prime minister's residence.

The minister added that action in the matter has been taken in accordance with the local law.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

"Concerted Attack On Supreme Court...": Ex Bureaucrats Write To Law Minister

Former civil servants in an open letter on Thursday criticised Law Minister Kiren Rijiju for several of his comments which, they said, constituted a concerted attack by the government on the collegium system of appointments and on judicial independence.

The open letter, signed by 90 former bureaucrats, argued that preserving the independence of the judiciary is non-negotiable, and any sign of executive overreach cannot be accepted in a democracy.

"We write to you today in response to comments you made on various occasions and very recently at the India Today Conclave on March 18, 2023. Your statements that day are the latest in what is emerging as a concerted attack by the government on the collegium system of appointments, the Supreme Court of India and, ultimately, on judicial independence. We unequivocally condemn this onslaught," the letter said.

In the appointment of judges to the High Courts and Supreme Court it appears that it is the government that is stonewalling appointments, it said.

"Names forwarded by the collegium are left pending for years, only to be finally returned without approval. Candidates with distinguished careers marked by their commitment to due process and to constitutional norms are turned down by the government," said the letter, written by the former civil servants under the banner of Constitutional Conduct Group.

Rather than engage constructively with the Supreme Court and collegium, high offices of the executive such as yours, and that of the Vice President, have responded with venomous barbs, it said.

The government's continued refusal to accept some candidates can only give rise to the suspicion that the underlying intention is to create a pliant judiciary, the letter said.

"We are puzzled by your repeated criticisms of the Supreme Court collegium while simultaneously stating that there was no confrontation between the government and the Supreme Court. To the average Indian, there does, indeed, seem to be a confrontation," it said.

It is no surprise that retired judges, senior lawyers, and experts have been expressing serious concern in the public domain on the urgent need to safeguard judicial independence, the letter said.

Former Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Najeeb Jung, former home secretary G K Pillai, ex-foreign secretary Sujatha Singh and former health secretary K Sujatha Rao are among 90 signatories to the open letter.

"The process of determining judicial appointments goes to the heart of this independence. It is a testament to their commitment to the institution that retired judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts are not mute spectators to abrasive attacks on the judiciary," it said.

"Yet you have not hesitated to call them anti-India and have stated that a few retired judges are working in tandem with activists, groupings you described as 'anti-India gangs' and attempting to influence the judiciary to 'play the role of an Opposition party'," the letter said.

The bureaucrats also took exception to Rijiju's remark that the government will take strict action against "those who have worked against the country." "It seems to us that you are confusing the government with the country, construing criticism of the government as disloyalty to the country. You seem to believe that if a person disagrees with the views of the government, that is enough to permanently label him or her as 'anti-national'," they said in the letter and accused the Centre of trying to suppress dissent with punitive actions.

"As the Law Minister, if you have concerns about opinions being expressed or discussions taking place in public fora, you can avail of multiple platforms and ways to respond, beginning with inviting dialogue," the letter said.

To label public-spirited citizens as an "anti-India gang" and threaten them with action which will exact "a price" rings of authoritarianism, and "unbecoming of your high post", the letter read.

The former civil servants said they recognise that there is need for continued deliberations on ways to improve the current system of judicial appointments, to deepen transparency, and the rigour of the process as also diversity amongst appointees.

"We conclude by reminding you of a simple but cardinal truth: all organs of the State are bound by the Constitution of India and a government, simply because it is in a majority, cannot ride roughshod over Constitutional provisions regarding the separation of powers amongst the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. By doing so, you breach your own oath of office," it said.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Supreme Court Clears 5,000 Crores From SEBI-Sahara Fund To Repay Depositors

The Supreme Court on Wednesday allowed a plea by the Centre seeking allocation of Rs 5,000 crore out of Rs 24,000 crore deposited by the Sahara group with market regulator Sebi to repay dues of the depositors of the Sahara Group of Cooperative Societies. 

The direction came on an application filed by the Centre in a PIL by a person named Pinak Pani Mohanty, who sought a direction to pay the amount to the depositors who invested in several chit fund companies and Sahara credit firms.

A bench of justices MR Shah and CT Ravikumar noted that the amount was lying in the "Sahara-SEBI Refund Account" unutilised.

The top court said the prayer sought in the present application seems to be reasonable and which shall be in the larger public interest and interest of the genuine depositors of the Sahara Group of Cooperative Societies.

"Out of the total amount of Rs. 24,979.67 crore lying in the 'Sahara-SEBI Refund Account', Rs. 5000 crore be transferred to the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies, who, in turn, shall disburse the same against the legitimate dues of the depositors of the Sahara Group of Cooperative Societies, which shall be paid to the genuine depositors in the most transparent manner and on proper identification," the bench said.

The top court also directed that entire disbursement process will be monitored by former top court judge R Subhash Reddy with the assistance of advocate Gaurav Agarwal, who has been appointed as amicus curiae to assist Justice Reddy as well as the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies.

"The manner and modalities for making the payment is to be worked out by the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies in consultation with Justice Reddy and Agarwal.

"Rs. 15 lakhs per month be paid to Justice R Subhash Reddy, Former Judge of this Court and Rs. five lakhs per month be paid to Gaurav Agarwal, learned Amicus Curiae towards their honorarium," the bench said.

The top court further directed that the amount be paid to the respective genuine depositors of the Sahara Group of Cooperative Societies not later than nine months from today.

The balance amount thereafter will be again transferred to the Sahara-SEBI refund account, it said.

The Centre had sought money from the SEBI-Sahara Sahara-Sebi escrow account that was formed after the top court in August 2012 directed two Sahara firms -- Sahara India Real Estate Corporation Limited (SIRECL) and Sahara Housing India Corporation Limited (SHICL) -- to refund investors.

from NDTV News-India-news

UP Man Allegedly Murders Wife After She Thrashes Their Child: Police

A man was arrested for allegedly murdering his wife following a dispute over her beating their child, police said today.

The incident took place in Ratanpuri village in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar district.

Station House Officer (SHO) of Ratanpuri police station Pankaj Rai said Nargis was allegedly strangled to death by her husband Naeem Ali in a fit of rage following a dispute over her thrashing their child on Tuesday.

A case was registered against Naeem and he has been arrested, Mr Rai said.

The body has been sent for a forensic examination and the police are investigating the matter, he added.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

"This Gentleman Not 1st One": Amit Shah On Rahul Gandhi Disqualification

Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday said Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was not the only politician who has lost membership of the legislature after being convicted by a court and there was nothing to create a hue and cry about it.

Speaking at the 'News 18 Rising India' programme, Mr Shah said Mr Gandhi should go to a higher court to fight his case. Instead, Mr Shah added, he has been trying to put blame on Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

"He has not appealed to take stay on his conviction. What kind of arrogance is this? You want favour. You want to continue as an MP and will also not go before the court," he said, adding from where such arrogance comes from.

"This gentleman is not the first one. Politicians who held much bigger positions and with much more experience have lost their membership because of this provision," the Home Minister said.

He said as many as 17 politicians, including former Chief Ministers Lalu Prasad (Bihar) and J Jayalalithaa (Tamil Nadu), were convicted by the courts when they were either member of an assembly or the Parliament and they had much more experience than Mr Gandhi.

The Home Minister said it was Gandhi who tore an ordinance during the previous UPA government which could have helped him now.

He said it's the law of the country that anyone who is convicted by a court lose his or her membership of either Parliament or assembly.

“The Congress has many big lawyers and some of them are Rajya Sabha members. They should advise him about the legal issues,” he said.

Asked about the immediate notice to Mr Gandhi to vacate his official residence, Mr Shah said there was no hurry and it was just a natural process.

“It is the law of the country that all of his speeches in Parliament would have to be removed from the records from the moment he was convicted. Even if his disqualification notice was served a few days later, it would have made no difference,” he said.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Congress MPs Skip Breakfast Meeting With President Droupadi Murmu

The Congress on Wednesday skipped a breakfast meeting hosted by President Droupadi Murmu for MPs from various states where Prime Minister Narendra Modi was also present.

President Murmu hosted MPs from Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and some northeastern states.

Sources told PTI the President had invited MPs from states of Uttar Pradesh (only Lok Sabha), Rajasthan (both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha), Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim, but Congress MPs, including Sonia Gandhi, from Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan were not present.

Senior party leaders KC Venugopal and Pramod Tiwari skipped the breakfast meeting and attended the meeting of opposition leaders instead. While Sonia Gandhi is the lone Lok Sabha MP from the Congress from Uttar Pradesh, the opposition party has six Rajya Sabha MPs but none were present this morning at Rashtrapati Bhawan, the sources said.

"President Droupadi Murmu hosted Members of Parliament from Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim for breakfast at Rashtrapati Bhavan Cultural Centre. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi was also present on the occasion," the Rashtrapati Bhawan tweeted along with pictures of the MPs with the President and the prime minister.

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla who is from Rajasthan was also present at the meeting.

The President has been meeting MPs from different states since March 15 and the last such breakfast meeting is on March 31 which will be attended by MPs from states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Meghalaya.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Woman, 3 Children Found Dead On Jharkhand Railway Tracks, Probe On: Cops

Bodies of a 30-year-old woman and her three children were found on railway tracks in Jharkhand's Palamu district on Wednesday, a police officer said.

It appears that they were "accidentally" run over by a train near Nimia, around two kilometres from Daltongunj railway station, Superintendent of Police Chandan Kumar Sinha said.

The dead woman was identified as Manita Devi (30), a resident of Kharagpur village under Harihargunj police station of the district. Of her children, who were aged between four and eight years, two were girls.

The bodies were lying scattered beside and in between the tracks.

"Prima facie, it seemed to be an accident. But how they reached Medininagar which is 70 kms from Harihargunj is yet to be ascertained," Chandan Kumar Sinha said.

The police informed the family about what had happened to the four.

The bodies were sent for post-mortem examination at Medinirai Medical College and Hospital here.

The Railway Police and the district police have started separate investigations into the matter.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

विपक्षी दलों के खिलाफ दर्ज मामलों की निगरानी के लिए गृह मंत्रालय के पास है सिस्टम: गहलोत

राजस्थान के मुख्यमंत्री अशोक गहलोत ने बुधवार को दावा किया केंद्रीय गृह मंत्रालय विपक्षी दलों के नेताओं के खिलाफ मामला दर्ज करने का आदेश देता है और फिर इन मामलों की निगरानी करता है. गहलोत ने ‘भारत जोड़ो यात्रा' के दौरान श्रीनगर में कांग्रेस नेता राहुल गांधी की टिप्पणी पर दिल्ली पुलिस के इस महीने की शुरुआत में कांग्रेस नेता राहुल गांधी के आवास पर जाने का मुद्दा उठाते हुए ये दावा किया. उन्होंने कहा कि गृह मंत्रालय ने विपक्षी दलों के खिलाफ मामलों की निगरानी के लिए एक व्यवस्था बनायी है.

सूरत की एक अदालत द्वारा आपराधिक मानहानि के एक मामले में दोषी ठहराए जाने और दो साल कैद की सजा सुनाए जाने के बाद गांधी को पिछले सप्ताह लोकसभा की सदस्यता से अयोग्य ठहराए जाने के बाद कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ नेता यहां मीडिया को संबोधित करने के लिए आए थे. 19 मार्च को, दिल्ली पुलिस की एक टीम ने गांधी से उनकी ‘‘महिलाओं का अभी भी यौन उत्पीड़न किया जा रहा है'' टिप्पणी को लेकर उनके आवास पर पूछताछ के लिए पहुंची थी और उनसे ‘‘पीड़ितों'' के बारे में जानकारी प्रदान करने के लिए कहा ताकि उनकी (पीड़ितों की) शिकायतें ली जा सकें.

गहलोत ने यहां संवाददाताओं से कहा, ‘‘उन्होंने राहुल गांधी के दरवाजे पर पुलिस भेजी... यह जम्मू कश्मीर, राजस्थान या मध्य प्रदेश की पुलिस नहीं थी, बल्कि दिल्ली पुलिस ने गांधी के खिलाफ इसके लिए एक मामला दर्ज किया जो उन्होंने अपने भाषण के दौरान जनहित में जो कहा था और उनकी टिप्पणी को लेकर उनसे पूछताछ करने के लिए उनके घर गई.'' उन्होंने कहा कि गांधी ने जवाब देने के लिए कुछ दिन का समय मांगा, लेकिन वे इंतजार करने को तैयार नहीं थे.

उन्होंने कहा, ‘‘गृह मंत्रालय देशभर में विपक्षी दलों के खिलाफ चल रहे मामलों की निगरानी कर रहा है। न केवल मामले दर्ज करने के आदेश हैं, बल्कि उन पर नजर भी रखी जा रही है. निगरानी करने के लिए एक व्यवस्था है. जब उसकी निगरानी कर ली जाती है तो पुलिस आयुक्त, डीजीपी (पुलिस महानिदेशक), कलेक्टर, जो कोई भी हो, उन्हें (कार्रवाई करने के लिए) कदम आगे बढ़ाने होंगे.''

कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ नेता ने कहा कि चाहे वह आयकर विभाग हो, प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी), केंद्रीय अन्वेषण ब्यूरो (सीबीआई), न्यायपालिका या निर्वाचन आयोग, वे सभी एक ही स्थिति का सामना कर रहे हैं. उन्होंने कहा, ‘‘यह कोई राजनीतिक भाषा नहीं है, लेकिन मैं यह अपने अनुभव से कह रहा हूं.''

गहलोत ने सत्तारूढ़ भारतीय जनता पार्टी (भाजपा) पर कानून के शासन को नष्ट करने का आरोप लगाया. उन्होंने कहा, ‘‘क्या देश में कानून का कोई राज बचा है? जब तक हर एक नागरिक इस बारे में चिंतित नहीं होगा, अकेले राजनीतिक दल कुछ नहीं कर सकते. यदि लोग समर्थन करते हैं, तो एक क्रांति होगी और सरकार समझ जाएगी.''

गहलोत ने राहुल गांधी द्वारा उठाए गए मुद्दों पर ध्यान नहीं देने के लिए प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को ‘‘अहंकारी'' बताते हुए सवाल किया कि क्या कांग्रेस नेता द्वारा उठाए जा रहे मुद्दों के बारे में मोदी को चिंतित नहीं होना चाहिए? उन्होंने भाजपा पर गांधी के ‘‘मोदी उपनाम'' टिप्पणी पर अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग (ओबीसी) कार्ड खेलने का आरोप लगाया और साथ ही यह आरोप भी लगाया कि प्रधानमंत्री मोदी खुद समुदाय का अपमान कर रहे हैं.

राजस्थान के मुख्यमंत्री गहलोत ने कहा कि संसद में विवादित अडाणी मुद्दे पर चर्चा से बचकर प्रधानमंत्री मोदी को लगता है कि वह पूरे मुद्दे से छुटकारा पा सकते हैं, जो कि गलत है. भाजपा के इस आरोप पर कि गांधी ने विदेश में अपने भाषणों में देश का अपमान किया, गहलोत ने कहा कि कांग्रेस के पूर्व अध्यक्ष ने केवल वही कहा जो वह (मुद्दा) देश में उठाते रहे हैं और कुछ भी नया नहीं है.

गहलोत ने कहा, ‘‘उन्होंने भारत जोड़ो यात्रा के दौरान भी यही बात कहीं, मुख्य मुद्दा यह है कि लोकतंत्र की हत्या की जा रही है, वह खतरे में है. लेकिन लोगों को गुमराह करने के लिए, भाजपा ओबीसी और देश के सम्मान का मुद्दा लाती है.'

गहलोत ने प्रधानमंत्री से यह भी कहा कि वह अडाणी मुद्दे पर एक संयुक्त संसदीय समिति (जेपीसी) का गठन करके चीजों को स्पष्ट क्यों नहीं कर रहे. उन्होंने कहा, ‘‘जेपीसी गठित करने से मोदी जी या अडाणी को कोई नुकसान नहीं होगा. यह उन्हें तभी नुकसान पहुंचाएगा जब उन्होंने कुछ गलत किया है. अगर आपको लगता है कि आप सही हैं, तो जेपीसी का गठन करें. देश को जिस तरह से मूर्ख बनाया जा रहा है, उसे इसकी चिंता है.''

उन्होंने कहा कि जेपीसी का गठन नहीं करने से देश को सच्चाई का पता नहीं चल रहा. उन्होंने सवाल किया, ‘‘यदि देश को पता नहीं होगा कि कौन सही है और कौन गलत, तो लोग समय आने पर तय नहीं कर पाएंगे. हम चिल्लाते रहते हैं और जवाब नहीं मिलता। क्या यह लोकतंत्र है?''

from NDTV India - Latest

Probe Agency Attaches Assets Worth Rs 159 Crore In Rose Valley Case

Assets worth around Rs 150 crore have been attached under the anti-money laundering law as part of an ongoing investigation against the Rose Valley Group, the Enforcement Directorate said on Wednesday.

A provisional order for attachment of assets has been issued under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) and as many as 139 immovable properties consisting land, flats, commercial and office space, shops etc. registered in the name of various companies of Rose Valley Group and its directors in Tripura, West Bengal, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, have been frozen, the agency said in a statement.

The money laundering case stems from a CBI FIR and charge sheets.

Probe found, the ED said, that funds were collected by selling "fake and fabricated" schemes through a chain of agents located in Assam, West Bengal, Tripura, Odisha, Jharkhand and several other states.

"In Assam, schemes were sold in the name of Rose Valley Real Estate and Construction Ltd. (RVRECL) and its associates groups and the funds collected by selling fake schemes were routed and transferred to the corporate office of Rose Valley Group in Kolkata," it said.

The funds were later transferred from the corporate office to the accounts of various companies in guise of loans and advances, it said.

The agency said an amount of about Rs 718 crore remains "unpaid" to the Assam-based investors.

The ED investigation against the Rose Valley Group and its chairman Gautam Kundu dates back to 2014 and the agency has also filed multiple charge sheets before the courts.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Protests At Jamia Millia Islamia In 2019 Was An Unlawful Assembly: Court

 The Delhi High Court on Tuesday held that the December 2019 protests organised at Delhi's Jamia Millia Islamia was an unlawful assembly and the mob gathered at the spot with the intention to violate the law.

"The common object of the assembly was to march to the Parliament for registration of their protest against the Government policies of NRC and CAB where a curfew was imposed by the authorities," the Delhi High Court on Tuesday said, adding that making efforts to reach that area and carry out protest there was an "unlawful" object itself.

The Delhi High Court held the view while setting aside the order of the trial court discharging Sharjeel Imam and 10 others.

Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma said that as per the prosecution, section 144 Cr.P.C. was already imposed in the area near Parliament.

"Therefore, making efforts to reach to a curfew imposed area and carry out protest therein was an unlawful object itself," justice Sharma held in the judgement.

The High Court while deciding the revision petition considered the video clips placed on record by the police as significant evidence.

The court said that the same was also brought to the notice of the crowd repeatedly by the concerned police officers by way of repeated announcements which can be clearly seen and heard in video clip number 2.

The high court also noted that the assembly was large and turned violent and pushed the barricades.

The court said, " Even otherwise, the mob was stopped by the police by creating a line of barricades, but the assembly had become so large and was pelting stones, was armed with tyres and dandas, and were shouting, standing on the barricades and violently pushing the same, and if at all they were trying to exercise the fundamental right of freedom of expression, by their unlawful acts of violence as discussed above their assembly had turned unlawful."

"Thus, the very means of achieving the object of reaching the Parliament, where prohibitory orders under section 144 Cr.P.C. was in place, were not lawful also," the court observed.

Thus, as contended on behalf of the state and visible from the video clips, the common unlawful object which was created at the spot was reaching the curfew-bound area and using force and violence against the police officers to achieve the said object, the court further observed.

The bench said that the main aim of their initial protest against the government policy was lost in the violence and in their persistence to break the law to reach a curfew-bound area by use of violence and force against people and objects.

The bench also held that the use of force and violence by the mob is sufficient, at prima facie stage of framing of charge, for constituting the offence of unlawful assembly and rioting.

The bench also noted from the video clips that the police were telling the assembly to protest peacefully.

The court said that nowhere in the video clips, the police officers are seen announcing that the protesters cannot protest, rather they were told to protest peacefully which was their right.

"However, the police were duty bound to stop them from proceeding to a place where section 144 Cr.P.C was imposed and also considering their violent behaviour, the apprehension and the fear that such violent mob while marching to the Parliament could be a threat to law and order situation in Delhi, cannot be found at fault at this stage as the behaviour of the crowd even in the video clips will show that such apprehension was not purely unfounded," the bench held.

On the basis of the video clips, the court held that the mob was trying to stop police from performing their duty of maintaining law and order.

The court said that it is also clear from the video clips that the mob was trying to stop the police officers from discharging their duty of maintaining law and order and were breaking the barricades and crossing over them, on which human chain of police was trying to hold on to so that the mob could not proceed to a curfew bound area.

"Therefore, they were doing their duty and they were stopped from doing so by pelting stones and by pushing the barricades against all of them," the court said.

The court pointed out, "Had the crowd of thousands of protesters been able to push the barricades against the police officers, in which they partly succeeded to, they would have caused grievous injuries to them considering how heavy the barricades are."

Justice Sharma held, " Prima facie, in the situation which is visible in the video clips including video clip number 3, the respondents in question are clearly visible being in the first line of the mob, pushing the barricades against the police officers and raising slogans.

"It is difficult to explain in words; the entire action being unfolded as it is clearly visible in the said video clip, the force used by Delhi Police is only of trying to hold on to the barricades against the violent mob which is also raising slogans of "Delhi Police Murdabad" and"Delhi Police Doob Maro" and are very violently pushing the barricades against the handful of policemen who were holding off the barricades," justice Sharma held.

The high court rejected the submissions that the accused persons were mere bystanders in the protest.

The court said that they were consciously part of the assembly which had turned violent and consciously did not leave the place of such violence and chose to remain part of it by insisting on going to a curfew-imposed area.

"They would have also known that while they were pushing the barricades against those few policemen, in case they would have succeeded, grievous injuries would have been caused to the police officers," the court added.

"They were, therefore, with the violent mob of protesters and it cannot be distinguished that they did not have the object collectively as that of the entire mob. Even otherwise to reiterate, the law of rioting envisages vicarious liability of each participant of an unlawful assembly, " Justice Sharma said.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

उत्तर प्रदेश : ऑटो रिक्शा और कार में टक्कर, पांच लोगों की मौत

जिले के देहात कोतवाली क्षेत्र में लखनऊ-हरदोई मार्ग पर मंगलवार को हुई सड़क दुर्घटना में पांच लोगों की मौत हो गई जबकि चार अन्य जख्मी हो गए. पुलिस ने बताया कि हादसा इतना भीषण था कि शव क्षत-विक्षत हो गए. पुलिस सूत्रों ने बताया कि देहात कोतवाली क्षेत्र के नया गांव के पास लखनऊ-हरदोई मार्ग पर एक तेज रफ्तार ऑटो रिक्शा और सामने से तेज गति से आ रही एक कार के बीच भीषण टक्कर हो गई. हादसे में दोनों वाहनों के परखच्चे उड़ गए.

उन्होंने बताया कि दुर्घटना में कुल पांच लोगों की मौत हो गई जबकि चार अन्य गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गए. एक मृतक की अभी शिनाख्त नहीं हो सकी है. सूचना पाकर मौके पर पहुंची पुलिस ने शवों को पोस्टमार्टम के लिए भेजा. घायलों को अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है. मौके पर पहुंचे पुलिस अधीक्षक (एसपी) राजेश द्विवेदी ने बताया कि हादसे में ऑटो रिक्शा सवार बघौली थाना क्षेत्र की रामदुलारी (38) और उसकी तीन वर्षीय बेटी हर्षिता और कार सवार श्याम सिंह (40) निवासी भटपुरवा, थाना सुरसा, अंकुर सिंह (17) निवासी सांडी चुंगी कोतवाली शहर और एक 40 वर्षीय अज्ञात की मौके पर ही मौत हो गई. उन्होंने बताया कि घायलों को मेडिकल कॉलेज में भर्ती कराया गया है. पुलिस मामले की जांच कर रही है.

ये भी पढ़ें-

from NDTV India - Latest

After Indian-Origin Doctor's Suicide, UK To Review Hospital's Support Culture

An independent review into the culture at one of the UK's major National Health Service (NHS) hospital trusts on Tuesday recommended greater support for doctors in training who are concerned about their mental health, in the wake of the suicide of an Indian-origin doctor.

Dr Vaishnavi Kumar, who worked at Birmingham Queen Elizabeth Hospital, died aged 35 in June 2022.

Her inquest last year heard how she felt “belittled” at work and would come home and cry.

The University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust (UHB), which runs the hospital among several others in the region, was under an independent review following the death and amid wider performance-related concerns.

“In light of the tragic death by suicide of Dr Kumar – together with HEE [Health Education England], a review of the processes to support doctors in training who are concerned about their mental health, ability to speak up freely about concerns with colleagues and a clear message that they will be listened to,” reads one of the recommendations of the review.

The report notes that Kumar was a respected senior doctor in training, approximately one year from qualifying as a consultant diabetologist.

Her father, Ravi Kumar, also a doctor, told the Birmingham Coroner's Court that his daughter felt the Queen Elizabeth Hospital was a “hypercritical environment to work in”.

“We were told of considerable unrest and indeed anger at the Trust's response to this tragic event, from both Dr Kumar's family and the staff who worked with her and the wider junior doctor community… Our review also heard from several employees at the Trust who expressed their disappointment and anger at the lack of senior representation at Dr Kumar's funeral,” the report said.

It warns that "any continuance of a culture that is corrosively affecting morale and in particular threatens long-term staff recruitment and retention will put at risk the care of patients".

The report chaired by Professor Mike Bewick, a former deputy medical director at NHS England and now an independent consultant, was commissioned last year after a number of complaints were raised about the trust, which employs over 22,000 people across several sites and operates four major hospitals in the West Midlands region.

“We have been disturbed by the consistent reporting of a bullying culture at the Trust and look forward to the next phase of the review where staff and patients will have the opportunity to speak freely and confidentially about their concerns,” said Bewick.

A Cross Party Reference Group, chaired by British Sikh MP from Birmingham Preet Kaur Gill, will continue to work closely with Bewick throughout the rest of the process.

“Patients can continue to be confident that the care and treatment provided at our hospitals is safe. We are pleased that Prof Bewick's overall view ‘is that the Trust is a safe place to receive care',” said Jonathan Brotherton, Chief Executive of UHB.

“There are a number of significant concerns that we need to, and have started to, address; we will continue to learn from the past, as we move forward,” he said.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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from NDTV News-India-news

कनाडा: भारतीय मूल के व्यक्ति ने स्टारबक्स कैफे के बाहर कनाडाई नागरिक को मारा चाकू, मौत

कनाडा के वैंकूवर में एक भारतीय मूल के व्यक्ति ने स्टारबक्स कैफे के बाहर कनाडाई नागरिक पर चाकू से हमला किया. गंभीर रूप से जख्मी 37 वर्षीय कनाडाई नागरिक को पुलिस ने अस्पताल पहुंचाया. रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, इलाज के दौरान उनकी मौत हो गई. 'ग्लोबल न्यूज' ने स्थानीय पुलिस के हवाले से ये जानकारी दी.

रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, आरोपी इंदरदीप सिंह गोसाल (32) को मौके पर ही गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया. पुलिस के अनुसार, आरोपी ने  रविवार को शाम करीब 5:40 बजे ग्रैनविले स्थित कैफे के बाहर 37 वर्षीय पॉल स्टेनली श्मिट को चाकू मार दिया था. हमले के वक्त वह कैफे में अपनी पत्नी और बेटी के साथ थे. मृतक पॉल स्टेनली श्मिट की मां ने पुलिस को बताया, 'पॉल अपनी पत्नी और अपनी बेटी के लिए जिए... यही उनकी पूरी जिंदगी थी." 

वैंकूवर पुलिस प्रवक्ता सार्जेंट स्टीव एडिसन ने कहा कि पुलिस अधिक गवाहों और वीडियो के लिए अपील कर रही है, ताकि आरोपी के हमले के कारणों का पता चलाया जा सके. फिलहाल आरोपी से पूछताछ की जा रही है.

ये भी पढ़ें:-

वॉल्ट डिजनी ने व्यवसाय को "सुगम" बनाने के लिए शुरू की 7000 कर्मचारियों की छंटनी

अमेरिका के एक स्कूल में शूट आउट, 3 बच्चों समेत अब तक 6 की मौत, महिला हमलावर ढेर


from NDTV India - Latest

राजधानी के मुद्दे पर आंध्र प्रदेश के सीएम जगन मोहन रेड्डी को कोर्ट से झटका

अमरावती को राजधानी के तौर पर विकसित करने के मामले में आंध्र प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री जगन मोहन रेड्डी को सुप्रीम कोर्ट से झटका लगा है. सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने पिछले साल मार्च महीने में हाईकोर्ट के आदेश पर रोक लगाने के राज्य सरकार के अनुरोध को स्वीकार नहीं किया है. हाईकोर्ट ने सरकार से 6 महीने के भीतर अमरावती को राजधानी के तौर पर तैयार करने का आदेश दिया था.  न्यायमूर्ति केएम जोसेफ और न्यायमूर्ति बीवी नागरत्न ने कहा कि अदालत 11 जुलाई को इस मुद्दे से जुड़ी अन्य याचिकाओं के साथ अनुरोध पर सुनवाई करेगी. गौरतलब है कि मुख्यमंत्री जगन मोहन रेड्डी ने राज्य विधानसभा में घोषणा की थी कि वह जुलाई से विशाखापत्तनम में शिफ्ट होंगे और वहीं से राज काज देखेंगे. 

बताते चलें कि 2014 में तत्कालीन आंध्र प्रदेश से तेलंगाना के अलग होने के बाद आंध्रप्रदेश को 10 साल के अंदर नई राजधानी बनाने के आदेश दिए गए थे. 10 सालों तक दोनों ही राज्य हैदराबाद को राजधानी के तौर पर उपयोग करने वाले थे.उस समय राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री रहे चंद्रबाबू नायडू ने अमरावती में एक विश्व स्तरीय ग्रीनफील्ड राजधानी के निर्माण की योजना बनाई थी. प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने इसका शिलान्यास किया था. राजधानी के लिए हजारों एकड़ भूमि का अधिग्रहण किया गया था और नई राजधानी के निर्माण के साथ बड़ी योजनाएं तैयार की गई थी. मई 2019 में जब रेड्डी मुख्यमंत्री बने, तो उनकी सरकार ने भूमि अधिग्रहण में बड़े रियल एस्टेट घोटाले का आरोप लगाया और अमरावती में नई राजधानी की योजना भी बनाई और एपी कैपिटल रीजन डेवलपमेंट अथॉरिटी को खत्म कर दिया.

बाद में रेड्डी विकेंद्रीकरण की घोषणा करते हुए एक नया कानून पारित किया और कहा कि राज्य की तीन राजधानियां होंगी - कुरनूल में एक न्यायिक राजधानी, अमरावती में एक विधायी राजधानी और विजाग में एक कार्यकारी राजधानी बनाई जाएगी. कानूनी  मुसीबत के बाद सरकार ने तब अपना विकेंद्रीकरण बिल वापस ले लिया और नवंबर में एपीसीआरडीए को रद्द कर दिया. 

आंध्र प्रदेश उच्च न्यायालय ने मार्च 2022 में अमरावती के किसानों के पक्ष में फैसला सुनाया था, जिसमें छह महीने में राजधानी क्षेत्र विकास प्राधिकरण अधिनियम में दिए गए मास्टर प्लान के अनुसार अमरावती में राजधानी बनाने के लिए कहा गया था. जिसके बाद राज्य सरकार सुप्रीम कोर्ट पहुंची जहां से एक बार फिर राज्य सरकार को झटका लगा. 

अदालत का फैसला किसानों द्वारा दायर कई याचिकाओं के जवाब में आया है. किसानों ने अमरावती में एक भव्य राजधानी विकसित करने के लिए चंद्रबाबू नायडू सरकार द्वारा पारित सीआरडीए अधिनियम को रद्द करने को चुनौती दी थी, और जिसके लिए उन्होंने भूमि दिया था.  मुख्य न्यायाधीश प्रशांत कुमार मिश्रा की अध्यक्षता वाली उच्च न्यायालय की एक खंडपीठ ने विकेंद्रीकरण अधिनियम और आंध्र प्रदेश सीआरडीए अधिनियम को निरस्त करने को चुनौती देने वाली याचिकाओं के एक बैच पर अपना अंतिम फैसला सुनाया था. 

ये भी पढ़ें-

from NDTV India - Latest

Gandhi Family Is Congress Pivot, Keeps Party United: Ashok Gehlot

Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Tuesday called the Gandhi family the pivot of the Congress and said it held the party together. 

Addressing a meeting of Congress workers, he accused the BJP of deploying a paid "army of trolls" on social media to malign the image of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi.

"This army has been after Rahul Gandhi for the past eight or nine years. Whatnot has been said about him on social media by their trolls' army to malign his image," the Congress leader said, alleging that the BJP has paid thousands of people for this.

He said there is a reason why the Gandhi family is considered the "pivot" of the party. "If this family is there, the Congress will remain united," he said. 

"They have the capability of taking everyone along - all castes, all religions and people speaking every language." 

Mr Gehlot was accompanied by Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) chief Govind Singh Dotasra and the AICC in-charge for Rajasthan Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa in the Jodhpur trip.

The party is protesting Rahul Gandhi's disqualification from the Lok Sabha following his conviction by a Gujarat court over a remark on the Modi surname.

The CM repeated his allegation that Union minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat was involved in the Sanjeevani Credit Cooperative Society scam that defrauded a large number of investors.

The minister has earlier denied the allegations and reported the "defamation attempt" to the police in Delhi.

Mr Gehlot charged that democracy is at risk under the Bharatiya Janata Party government at the Centre.

"I see in them arrogance and autocracy. The way they conspired to target Rahul Gandhi shows that they were scared of his shining image globally after the Bharat Jodo Yatra," he claimed.

Mr Gehlot accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of evading questions in Parliament on the Adani Group, and said this deepened "suspicion" about his relationship with the tycoon.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

(Disclaimer: New Delhi Television is a subsidiary of AMG Media Networks Limited, an Adani Group Company.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Monday, March 27, 2023

गर्भ से निकलते ही मां से लिपट गया बच्चा, VIDEO देख सोशल मीडिया यूजर्स हुए इमोशनल

Mother Son Viral Video: मां बनने की खुशी दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी खुशी होती है और मां-बच्चे का ये रिश्ता सभी रिश्तों से ज्यादा करीबी होता है. यूं तो मां बनने का अहसास बेहद खास होता है. एक मां ही है, जो अपनी अंदर एक नई जिंदगी को पालकर उसे इस दुनिया में लाती है. मां बनने की खुशी शायद दुनिया की हर खुशी से काफी खास है, जैसा कि हाल ही में वायरल इस वीडियो को देखकर समझा जा सकता है. वीडियो में मां और बच्चे के मिलन का ये खूबसूरत पल देखकर आप भी अपना दिल हार बैठेंगे.

यहां देखें वीडियो

बच्चे के जन्म के बाद उसकी एक झलक पाते ही मां के सुकून और खुशी का ठिकाना नहीं रहता. इस खुशी को शब्दों में बयां कर पाना भी बेहद मुश्किल है, जैसा कि वीडियो में देखने को मिल रहा है. अपने कलेजे के टुकेड़े को अपने सीने से लगाकर हर मां की खुशी को जाहिर कर पाना आसान नहीं है. वीडियो में देखा जा सकता है कि, जैसे ही डॉक्टर्स बच्चे को मां के पास ले जाते हैं, वैसे ही बच्चा अपनी मां के चेहरे से चिपक जाता है. इस दौरान अपनी नन्हीं सी जान को पहली झलक देखते ही मां की आंखों से खुशी के आंसू छलक पड़ते हैं.

महज 22 सेकंड का दिल छू लेने वाला यह वीडियो सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म ट्विटर पर @TheFigen_ नाम की आईडी से शेयर किया गया है, जिसे खूब देखा और पसंद किया जा रहा है. वीडियो को शेयर करते हुए कैप्शन में लिखा गया है, 'न्यूबॉर्न बेबी अपनी मां को छोड़ना नहीं चाहता.' इस वीडियो को अब तक 678.4K व्यूज मिल चुके हैं, जबकि 18 हजार से ज्यादा लोगों ने इस वीडियो को लाइक किया है. इस वीडियो को यूजर्स बार-बार लूप में देख रहे हैं और वीडियो पर तरह-तरह की प्रतिक्रियाएं देते हुए अपना प्यार लुटा रहे हैं. एक यूजर ने लिखा, 'इससे ज्यादा खूबसूरत अहसास जिंदगी में और कुछ हो ही नहीं सकता.' एक अन्य यूजर ने लिखा, 'ये शानदार और दिल को छू लेने वाला वीडियो है.'

from NDTV India - Latest

राहुल गांधी के 'सावरकर' वाले बयान से उद्धव ठाकरे नाराज, कांग्रेस के डिनर में नहीं होंगे शामिल

कांग्रेस नेता राहुल गांधी (Rahul Gandhi) इन दिनों राजनीतिक मुश्किलों से गुजर रहे हैं. मानहानि मामले (Defamation Case) में 2 साल की सजा के बाद संसद की सदस्यता गंवाने वाले राहुल गांधी ने प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस में कहा था कि वो 'गांधी हैं, सावरकर नहीं. माफी नहीं मांगेंगे.' अब इस बयान को लेकर महाराष्ट्र में कांग्रेस और उद्धव ठाकरे के शिवसेना गुट के गठबंधन में दरार पड़ती दिख रही है. राज्य के पूर्व सीएम उद्धव ठाकरे (Uddhav Thackeray) ने राहुल गांधी को साफ चेतावनी देते हुए कहा कि सावरकर का अपमान बर्दाश्त नहीं किया जाएगा. खबर ये भी है कि राहुल गांधी से नाराज उद्धव ठाकरे आज दिल्ली में कांग्रेस की ओर से डिनर में भी शामिल नहीं होंगे.

उद्धव ठाकरे ने कहा कि पीएम मोदी के खिलाफ लड़ाई में हम आपके साथ हैं, लेकिन वीर सावरकर के खिलाफ एक शब्द भी बर्दाश्त नहीं किया जाएगा. उद्धव ठाकरे ने खुली चुनौती देते हुए कहा कि उनकी पार्टी एमवीए महाविकास अघाड़ी में है. क्योंकि वे लोकतंत्र की रक्षा के लिए एकजुट होकर भाजपा के खिलाफ लड़ रहे हैं. अगर आप एक साथ लड़ना चाहते हैं, तो यह स्पष्ट है कि हमारे भगवान का अपमान बर्दाश्त नहीं किया जाएगा.

संजय राउत ने भी जताया विरोध
इससे पहले संजय राउत ने भी राहुल गांधी के बयान पर विरोध जताया है. संजय राउत ने कहा, 'वीर सावरकर हमारे और देश के लिए श्रद्धा का विषय है. अंडमान में 14 साल तक काला पानी की सजा आसान नहीं है. ऐसी टिप्पणी पर महाराष्ट्र की जनता करारा जवाब दे सकती है. हम आपके साथ हैं, लेकिन वीर सावरकर हमारे प्रेरणास्त्रोत हैं.' 

सावरकर पर गलत बयानबाजी का आरोप
वहीं, शिवसेना ने अपने मुख्य पत्र 'सामना' के एडिटोरियल में राहुल गांधी पर सावरकर को लेकर गलत बयानबाजी का आरोप लगाया है. 'सामना' में लिखा गया, 'राहुल गांधी बार बार ऐसे बयान दे रहे हैं. इस तरह के बयानों से कोई बहादुर नहीं बनता. न ही ऐसे बयानों से लोगों का सावरकर पर से भरोसा उठेगा. सावरकर के खिलाफ इस तरह की बयानबाजी से महाराष्ट्र में पार्टी के लिए मुश्किलें पैदा होंगी.'

ऐसे नहीं लड़ सकते सच्चाई की लड़ाई
एडिटोरियल में आगे लिखा गया, 'मानहानि के मुकदमे में राहुल गांधी के साथ जो हुआ, वो अन्याय है. लेकिन सावरकर का अपमान करके वो सच्चाई की लड़ाई नहीं लड़ सकते. गांधी का जन्म एक ऐसे परिवार में हुआ है, जिन्होंने देश के लिए अपने प्राणों की आहुति दी है. यही सच्चाई है. लेकिन सावरकर और उनके परिवार ने भी देश के लिए काम किया है.'

मोदी सरनेम वाले बयान पर राहुल गांधी को सजा
बता दें कि मोदी सरनेम वाले बयान पर 2019 के आपराधिक मानहानि केस में सूरत की अदालत ने राहुल गांधी को दोषी पाया है और उन्हें  2 साल की सजा सुनाई गई है. राहुल पर 15 हजार रुपये का जुर्माना भी लगाया गया है. हालांकि, सजा को 20 दिन के लिए निलंबित भी कर दिया गया है, ताकि कांग्रेस नेता ऊपर की अदालतों में अपील कर सके. इस सजा के एक दिन बाद लोकसभा सचिवालय ने एक अधिसूचना में कहा कि राहुल गांधी की सदस्यता दोषसिद्धि की तारीफ 23 मार्च से रद्द हो गई है.

ये भी पढ़ें:

राहुल गांधी पर कांग्रेस के "ब्लैक" विरोध में तृणमूल की अचानक हुई एंट्री

उद्धव ठाकरे नीत शिवसेना गुट सावरकार का अपमान करने वाले राहुल का समर्थन कर रही : एकनाथ शिंदे

from NDTV India - Latest

Madhya Pradesh Man, Son Jump Into River To Save Pet Dog, Drown: Cops

A man and his son drowned in Narmada river in Khargone in Madhya Pradesh while trying to save the former's wife and their pet dog, a police official said on Monday.

The dog entered the river at Sahastradhara and its owner Sapna Singh jumped in to rescue the animal, he said.

"Soon Sapna's husband Aman Singh Kanwar and their son Rudraksh also went into the water body as part of the rescue attempt. However, Sapna and the dog managed to swim to safety, while Kanwar and Rudraksh drowned. The incident took place on Sunday," he said.

"The bodies have been fished out, Further probe into the incident is underway," Maheshwar police station in charge Pankaj Tiwari said.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

राहुल गांधी के लिए कांग्रेस का मेगा प्लान, 28-29 मार्च को 35 शहरों को बताएगी 'सच'

राहुल गांधी (Rahul Gandhi) मोदी सरनेम (Rahul Gandhi) को लेकर आपराधिक मानहानि केस में दो साल की सजा के बाद संसद की सदस्यता गंवा चुके हैं. हालांकि, सूरत की अदालत ने उन्हें आगे अपील के लिए 30 दिनों का वक्त दिया. इस पूरे मामले को लेकर कांग्रेस (Congress) समेत पूरा विपक्ष लामबंद हो चुका है. सोमवार को कांग्रेस की अगुवाई में विपक्ष ने संसद के दोनों सदनों में ब्लैक प्रोटेस्ट किया. कांग्रेस ने संसद में सरकार को घेरने के लिए रणनीति तैयार की है. इसके साथ ही पार्टी 28 और 29 मार्च को देश के 35 शहरों में प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस करके केंद्र सरकार और बीदेपी को घेरने की कोशिश करेगी. सीनियर कांग्रेस नेता जयराम रमेश ने ट्विटर पर इसकी जानकारी दी.

जयराम रमेश ने ट्वीट किया, 'कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ नेता 28 और 29 मार्च को 35 शहरों में 'डेमोक्रेसी डिसक्वालिफाइड' पर प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस करेंगे. इसके तरह अन्य मुद्दों के अलावा मोदी सरकार की वास्तविकता, नीरव मोदी और ललित मोदी को सरकार की क्लीन चिट पर भी प्रकाश डाला जाएगा.'

खरगे के घर हुई 16 दलों की बैठक
इससे पहले राज्यसभा के नेता प्रतिपक्ष और कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष मल्लिकार्जुन खरगे के आवास पर सोमवार की शाम विपक्षी दलों के नेताओं की बैठक हुई. इसमें करीब 16 दलों के नेता शामिल हुए. हालांकि, उद्धव ठाकरे नहीं पहुंचे. ठाकरे विनायक दामोदर सावरकर पर दिए बयान को लेकर राहुल गांधी से नाराज हैं. मीटिंग का बॉयकॉट करके उन्हें अपनी नाराजगी जाहिर की.

जेडीयू अध्यक्ष लल्लन सिंह का बड़ा ऐलान
खरगे के घर हुई बैठक में जेडीयू अध्यक्ष लल्लन सिंह ने बड़ा ऐलान किया. उन्होंने कहा कि आगामी 2024 के लोकसभा चुनाव में विपक्ष एक होकर लड़ेगा.

खुद कार ड्राइव कर पहुंचे राहुल गांधी
इस बैठक में सोनिया गांधी और राहुल गांधी भी पहुंचे. राहुल गांधी गाड़ी खुद ड्राइव करते हुए राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष के आवास पर आए थे. बगल की सीट पर सोनिया गांधी थीं. बैठक में जयराम रमेश, अधीर रंजन चौधरी, केसी वेणुगोपाल, प्रमोद तिवारी, रजनी पाटिल जैसे बड़े नेता भी शामिल थे.

विपक्ष से कौन-कौन आया?
सपा से रामगोपाल यादव और एसटी हसन, एनसीपी अध्यक्ष शरद पवार, जेडीयू के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष राजीव रंजन उर्फ लल्लन सिंह मीटिंग में शामिल हुए. इनके अलावा बीआरएस, सीपीएम, आरजेडी, सीपीआई, आईयूएमएल, एमडीएमके, केसी, तृणमूल कांग्रेस, आम आदमी पार्टी, जम्मू-कश्मीर नेशनल कांग्रेस, वीसीके, जेएमएम और एसएस के नेता भी बैठक में पहुंचे थे. कांग्रेस ने समान विचारधारा वाले नेताओं को आमंत्रित किया था.

ये भी पढ़ें:-

संसद की सदस्यता जाने के बाद राहुल गांधी को अब खाली करना होगा सरकारी बंगला, भेजा गया नोटिस: सूत्र

राहुल गांधी के 'सावरकर' वाले बयान से उद्धव ठाकरे नाराज, कांग्रेस के डिनर में नहीं होंगे शामिल

from NDTV India - Latest

Hours After Atiq Ahmed Moved To UP Jail, Gangster's Brother Joins Him

Gangster-politician Khalid Azim alias Ashraf was brought to the Naini Central Jail in Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh Monday evening amid tight security arrangements, hours after his brother Atiq Ahmed was escorted to the prison from Gujarat.

Ashraf and Atiq will be produced before a court on Tuesday, when it is likely to pass an order in a 17-year-old kidnapping case against them.

Ashraf, lodged in the Bareilly District Jail since July 2020, was brought to the Naini Central Jail Monday evening amid tight security arrangements, officials said. A police team accompanying him left Bareilly for Prayagraj Monday morning.

Atiq Ahmed was brought to the jail in Prayagraj from a prison in Gujarat. The police cavalcade bringing him reached the Naini Jail at 5.30 pm on Monday.

The brothers are named in several criminal cases, including the recent Umesh Pal murder case, police said.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Sunday, March 26, 2023

"We Will Keep Fighting": Ashok Gehlot On Rahul Gandhi Disqualification

Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot Sunday slammed the BJP over its allegation that Rahul Gandhi insulted OBCs with his "Modi surname" remark in 2019 and said his party has done a lot for the backward classes, including making an OBC leader like him Chief Minister thrice.

He also pointed out that his Chhattisgarh counterpart Bhupesh Baghel was also an OBC.

Rahul Gandhi was on Thursday sentenced to two years in jail by a Surat court in a 2019 criminal defamation case over his "why all thieves have Modi surname" remark. He was later disqualified from the Lok Sabha from the date of his conviction in the case.

Several BJP leaders, including party chief J P Nadda, have accused Rahul Gandhi of insulting Other Backward Classes (OBCs) with his remark.

Addressing a gathering at the Congress' day-long "Sankalp Satyagraha" at Rajghat, Mr Gehlot said Prime Minister Narendra Modi conducted an "experiment" during the Gujarat polls in 2017 by saying that a Congress leader abused him and highlighted his OBC status.

In a repeat of that experiment, the BJP is claiming again before elections that Rahul Gandhi insulted OBCs, Mr Gehlot said.

"In 2017, when the BJP was losing the Gujarat elections, Modi ji played the OBC card against the Congress there. The BJP today again wants to run a campaign to mislead the OBCs," he alleged.

"Are fugitives like Nirav Modi and Lalit Modi OBCs?" he asked. "You are protecting fugitives such as Nirav Modi and Lalit Modi, and then saying Rahul Gandhi insulted OBCs. Can anyone forget what the Congress has done for OBCs, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes," Mr Gehlot posed.

"I have been made Chief Minister for the third time by Sonia ji and Rahul ji. I am an OBC. There is only one member of the OBC Mali community (in the assembly) and that is me," Mr Gehlot said what "bigger message" could be there for the OBCs than him being made chief minister again and again.

Elections are near and that is why they are raising this bogey of OBC insult, he alleged. "It is baseless." Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh also tweeted a video of Gehlot's remarks on the BJP's OBC charge.

In a tweet in Hindi, Jairam Ramesh also said, "Difference between words and actions! In 1992, the Congress government implemented the Mandal Commission. In 2006, the Congress government made a provision for reservation for OBCs in higher education. During 2011-12, the caste census of about 25 crore families was done by the Congress government."

"Whereas BJP has stopped the caste census," he added.

In his remarks, Mr Gehlot said the sacrifices of the Gandhi family are before everyone and Rahul Gandhi is constantly raising the issue of unemployment and high prices.

"They could not answer allegations raised by Rahul Gandhi in Parliament. I have never seen before that allegations are raised but instead of answering the prime minister has taken a vow of silence," Mr Gehlot said.

The BJP made allegations against Gandhi for his remarks abroad when he said what he had been saying in the country. It is the prime minister who should answer and apologise, he said.

"Rahul Gandhi has emerged as the voice of the country. We will keep fighting to ensure that democracy is kept alive in the country," the Rajasthan chief minister said.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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