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Saturday, August 21, 2021

दिल्ली : अगस्त में एक दिन में सबसे अधिक बारिश का 14 साल का रिकॉर्ड टूटा

मौसम वैज्ञानिकों का पूर्वानुमान है कि रविवार को आसमान में बादल छाए रहेंगे... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

आंध्र प्रदेश: जवाहरलाल नेहरू प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय के अतिथिगृह को हनीमून के लिए बुक कराये जाने पर उठा विवाद

अतिथिगृह का उपयोग केवल मेहमान प्रोफेसरों और शोधार्थियों के लिए किया जाता... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Joe Biden Admin May Compel Civilian Airlines To Carry Afghan Evacuees

The official said the civilian aircraft would not fly into Afghanistan, but would instead ferry evacuees from air bases in locations including the Middle East and Germany. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

पाकिस्तान ने अमेरिकी अधिकारियों के सामने आफिया सिद्दीकी पर हमले का उठाया मुद्दा

वाशिंगटन डीसी में पाकिस्तानी दूतावास और ह्यूस्टन में उसके महावाणिज्य... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

चीन ने पाकिस्तान के ग्वादर में अपने नागरिकों पर हुए आत्मघाती हमले की निंदा की

बयान में कहा गया है, ''हम अपने चीनी भाइयों को इन खतरों से बचाने के लिये व्यापक... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

जम्मू-कश्मीर के पुलवामा में सुरक्षाबलों के साथ मुठभेड़ में जैश-ए-मोहम्मद के तीन आतंकवादी मारे गए

पुलिस महानिरीक्षक ने कहा कि आतंकवादी गुर्जर समुदाय के परिवारों का उत्पीड़न... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Coronavirus India Updates: केरल में कोविड-19 के 17,106 नये मामले, सिक्किम में नहीं हुई किसी मरीज की मौत

Coronavirus India Updates : राष्ट्रीय टीकाकरण अभियान के तहत अबतक देशभर में कुल 57.61 करोड़... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

गड़बड़ी के गेम:इंस्टाग्राम जैसी आबादी, फेसबुक जैसी नेटवर्किंग, फिर भी ऑनलाइन गेम्स आईटी रूल्स के दायरे से बाहर

विशेषज्ञ बोले-सिर्फ रूल्स में नाम न होने का फायदा उठा रही कंपनियां from देश | दैनिक भास्कर via IFT...

Admitted Children Forced To Sit In Heat For Hospital Event: Rights Body

The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) said that even district collector was also present at the function. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

दिल्ली पुलिस ने 27 घंटे में सुलझाया 2 साल के बच्चे की हत्या का मामला, महिला सहित दो आरोपी गिरफ्तार

साथ ही पुलिस टीम ने 5 किलोमीटर के दायरे के सभी सीसीटीवी फुटेज को खंगाला और... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

झारखंड : धनबाद में जज उत्तम आनंद मौत मामले की जांच कर रही CBI को मिले कई नये तथ्य

बता दें कि मोबाइल CDR जांच के दौरान सीबीआई ने पाया कि आरोपियों में जिस सिम... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

पाकिस्तानः महिला TikTok यूज़र के साथ बदसलूकी के बाद एक और हैरान करने वाला VIDEO वायरल

Pakistan Viral Video: पाकिस्तान में महिलाओं की सुरक्षा में सेंध लगाने का घिनौना कृत्य... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

'बच्चे के लिए दूध और पीने के लिए पानी नहीं' : काबुल एयरपोर्ट के बाहर इंतजार कर रही एक महिला की मां का दर्द

अफगानिस्तान के एक नागरिक से शादी करने वाली 32 वर्षीय महिला पिछले तीन दिनों से... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

कल्याण सिंह का निधन : PM मोदी, अखिलेश यादव और मायावती समेत नेताओं ने जताया दुख

कल्याण सिंह के निधन पर प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी समेत कई नेताओं ने दुख... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Kalyan Singh: बाबरी विध्वंस के लिए जेल गए, 2 बार UP के CM रहे, ऐसा था 'बाबू जी' का राजनीतिक सफर

Kalyan Singh Political Journey: उत्तर प्रदेश (Uttar Pradesh) के दो बार मुख्यमंत्री रहे कल्याण सिंह (Kalyan Singh)... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

S Jaishankar Discusses Kabul "Evacuation Challenges" With German Minister

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Saturday spoke to his German counterpart Heiko Maas on the latest developments in Afghanistan and challenges relating to emergency evacuation from Kabul. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Friday, August 20, 2021

"हम आपको घर पहुंचाएंगे'', काबुल में फंसे अमेरिकियों से राष्ट्रपति जो बाइडन का वादा

अमेरिका काबुल हवाई अड्डे से अमेरिकियों और अन्य लोगों को तालिबान से बचाने के... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Jharkhand News: दुमका में महिला को निर्वस्त्र कर जूतों की माला पहनाकर घुमाया गया, जानें पूरा मामला

थाना प्रभारी के अनुसार बुधवार की शाम दोनों वापस कदमा गाँव लौटे. इस पर मणिक की... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

HUID के विरोध में उतरे ज्वेलर्स, सोमवार को देशव्यापी हड़ताल

HUID ग्राहकों के हित के खिलाफ है और व्यापार करने में आसानी के सिद्धांत के... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

UP Police Attaches Assets Worth Rs 52 Crore Of Liquor Mafia

The police in Aligarh on Friday attached ill-gotten assets worth Rs 51.80 crore belonging to western Uttar Pradesh's liquor mafia Anil Chaudhary, key accused in hooch episodes that claimed lives of... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

ईवी का जमाना:देश का पहला इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन हाईवे बना चंडीगढ़-दिल्ली रोड, हर 25 किमी पर चार्जिंग स्टेशन, सौर ऊर्जा वाला पहला स्टेशन भी यहीं

250 किमी लंबे हाईवे पर 19 चार्जिंग स्टेशन हुए, एक बार चार्जिंग में लगेंगे 1.5 घंटे from देश | दैनिक भास्कर via IFT...

Coronavirus India Updates: महाराष्ट्र में कोविड-19 के 4,365 नए मामले आए, 105 मौतें हुईं

Coronavirus India Updates : वहीं कोरोना से कुल 433,589 मौतें हुई हैं. रिकवरी रेट बढ़कर 97.54% हो गई है.... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

No Deaths Due To Oxygen Shortage In State: Haryana Government

No deaths due to a lack of oxygen have been reported in Haryana during the Covid pandemic, the state government informed the assembly on Friday. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

India Should Exercise Caution In Engagements With Taliban: Ex-Diplomats

India should keep diplomatic channels open for talks with the Taliban, but move very cautiously towards legitimising it, former diplomat Gautam Mukhopadhyay said on Friday. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

डिप्टी जेलर को मारने के लिए AK-47 खरीदने के फिराक में था शार्पशूटर, दिल्ली पुलिस ने यूं दबोचा

पुलिस के मुताबिक हाल ही में दो लोगों के बीच एक ऑडियो कॉल वायरल हुई थी. उस... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Faridabad: 5 हजार रुपये के लिए महंत की त्रिशूल से गोदकर हत्या, थिनर डाल कर शव को जलाया

Faridabad Murder Case: फरीदाबाद के पलवल में हत्या का एक चौंका देने वाला मामला सामने आया है.... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

"Respect Elders": Tejashwi Yadav's Latest Shot At Brother Tej Pratap

In the renewed tussle between Bihar politician Lalu Yadav's sons Tejashwi and Tej Pratap, the former has taken on his elder sibling, according to sources, with a punchline not without a tinge of... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

5 Die As Soil Collapses During Digging Of Well In Rajasthan

A portion of the soil collapsed and five persons were buried under it, the police said. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Cops Investigating Extortion Notes Sent To MLAs: Meghalaya Chief Minister

Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Friday said ministers and MLAs have received extortion notes, after which the police have started investigation. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

अफगानिस्तान में फंसे भारतीयों को निकालने के लिए वायु सेना का विशेष विमान तैयारः सूत्र

Afghan Crisis: अफगानिस्तान पर तालिबान के कब्जे के बाद कई भारतीय नागरिक युद्धग्रस्त... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

उद्धव ठाकरे मजबूर हैं, इसलिये सोनिया गांधी की ओर से बुलाये बैठक में हिस्सा ले रहे हैं : नारायण राणे

राणे ने संवाददाताओं से बातचीत में यहां कहा, ''अगर बालासाहेब ठाकरे आज जीवित... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

"Taliban Culture": Six Held In Ujjain For Raising Pro-Pakistan Slogans

On Thursday, the Ujjain police stopped a Muharram procession citing the Covid restrictions. Some participants then allegedly raised slogans like "Pakistan zindabad". Today, based on CCTV footage, some... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Widows In UP's Vrindavan Send 251 Handmade Rakhis To PM Narendra Modi

Some of the widows have even prepared cotton face masks to be presented to him on Sunday. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

7 Mumbai Lakes' 12.35 Lakh Million Litres Water Can Last 9 Months

The seven lakes supplying water to Mumbai currently store 12.35 lakh million litres, which is 85.34% of the total useful content, and will last for nine months and 20 days, Brihanmumbai Municipal... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Man Planning Attack On Jail Official To Avenge Gangster's Death Arrested

A 28-year-old man allegedly planning to harm a senior Tihar Jail official to avenge gangster Ankit Gujjar's death was arrested by a team of Delhi Police's Special Cell, officials said today. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

"Needs Support For Dynastic Goals": BJP Mocks Congress On Opposition Meet

Taking on the Congress over a meeting of Opposition leaders called by its president Sonia Gandhi, the BJP today said the party has now been reduced to a fringe element in national politics and needs... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

A Momentous Feat: PM After Zydus Cadila Vaccine Gets Emergency Use Nod

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday hailed it as a "momentous feat" and said the approval to the world's first DNA-based vaccine against the coronavirus is a testimony to the innovative zeal of... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Assam Deal On Waiving Small Loans Soon, Says Chief Minister

Assam will soon sign a Memorandum of Understanding with microfinance institutions of the state as promised earlier to compensate or waive off microfinance loans taken by women of the economically weak... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Thursday, August 19, 2021

"साधारण नागरिक, आप की तरह": ट्रेन की बोगियों में घूमकर रेल मंत्री अश्विनी वैष्णव ने यात्रियों से लिया फीडबैक

रेल मंत्री अश्विनी वैष्णव ने बृहस्पतिवार को ओडिशा में भारतीय जनता पार्टी... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

यूपी चुनाव को लेकर गृहमंत्री अमित शाह के घर हुई महत्वपूर्ण बैठक, योगी आदित्यनाथ भी रहे मौजूद

UP Assembly Election 2022: गृहमंत्री अमित शाह (Amit Shah) के आवास पर यूपी विधानसभा चुनाव को लेकर चल... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Yellow Alert For Heavy Rain, Thunderstorms In 21 Madhya Pradesh Districts

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Thursday issued a yellow alert, warning of heavy rainfall, thunderstorms and lightning strikes in 21 districts of Madhya Pradesh. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Home Ministry Recommends CBI Enquiry Into Procurement Of Buses By Delhi

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has recommended a preliminary enquiry by the CBI into procurement of 1,000 low-floor buses by the Delhi government, officials said on Thursday. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

In Bengal Case, Court Says State's Obligations Not Vested With Poll Panel

Calcutta High Court today ordered a court-monitored Central Bureau of Investigation probe into the incidents of post-poll violence in West Bengal and stated that Constitutional obligations of the... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

DRDO Develops Advanced Chaff Technology To Safeguard Air Force Jets

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed an advanced chaff technology, which is used to distract enemy's radar-guided missiles, to safeguard Indian Air Force fighter jets... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Sena Workers "Purify'' Bal Thackeray Memorial After Narayan Rane Visit

Hours after Union Minister Narayan Rane paid tribute at the memorial of the late Bal Thackeray here, Shiv Sena workers today washed the area with "gomutra'' (cow urine) and performed milk "abhishek''... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Cop Tied To Pole And Beaten Up In UP Village, Suspended For Firing

A sub-inspector posted in Uttar Pradesh's Basti district was allegedly held hostage and beaten up by people when he went to Ooji village to meet a woman, police said today. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

To Probe Bengal Post-Poll Violence, Central Agency Forms 4 Special Teams

Four Special Investigation Units have been formed by the Central Bureau of Investigation to probe the post-poll violence cases in Bengal following this morning's orders by the Calcutta High Court. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

'Turmoil, Not Getting Instructions': Afghanistan Lawyer In Supreme Court

Hearing in a case related to a dispute between Afghanistan's Embassy in India and a Delhi firm got adjourned for six weeks after the mission's counsel told the court that, due to the turmoil there, he... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

MP News: रावरखेड़ी में स्थापित होगी बाजीराव पेशवा की 28 फीट ऊंची प्रतिमा, सीएम शिवराज ने किया ऐलान

केन्द्रीय मंत्री ज्योतिरादित्य सिंधिया और मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

CM शिवराज सिंह को राखी बांधने आईं बेरोजगार चयनित शिक्षकाओं को धमकी देकर धरने से हटाया

मध्यप्रदेश की राजधानी भोपाल में चयनित शिक्षिकाएं भर्ती की मांग को लेकर... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Killings Now Being Rewarded With Bitcoins: S Jaishankar On ISIS At UN

The financial resource mobilisation of ISIS has become more robust, Foreign Minister S Jaishankar told the UN Thursday, emphasising that the flow of funds has continued for the dreaded terror group... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

RTI Shows Over 3.8 Crore People Didn't Get 2nd Covid Vaccine Dose In Time

Over 3.86 crore people did not get their second dose of anti-Covid vaccines - Covishield and Covaxin - within the stipulated period of time, the government has said in response to an RTI query. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

BJP Legislator In Bengal ''Disappears'', Found At Police Station Later

A BJP MLA in West Bengal "disappeared" under mysterious circumstances only to resurface six hours later at a nearby police station, officials said. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Will Appear Before Probe Agency After Legal Process Ends: Anil Deshmukh

Maharashtra's former Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on Thursday said he will appear before the ED, which had summoned him in connection with its probe into a money laundering case, "after the legal... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

BJP Couldn't Expand Base Due To Shiv Sena Alliance: Devendra Fadnavis

BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis on Thursday said his party could not expand its support base in Maharashtra earlier because it was in an alliance with the Shiv Sena, but post break-up will form its own... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

For Rajiv Gandhi's Birth Anniversary, Youth Congress Plans Several Events

A slew of programmes, including blood donation camps, sports and cultural events, will be organised across the country to mark the 77th birth anniversary of former prime minister late Rajiv Gandhi,... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

What Yashwant Sinha, Foreign Minister Under Vajpayee, Advises On Taliban

Former External Affairs Minister Yashwant Sinha on Thursday said India should be "open-minded" about dealing with the Taliban and suggested that it should open its embassy in Kabul and send back the... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

CBI, Special Team To Probe Post-Election Violence In Bengal

The Calcutta High Court today ordered a probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into "heinous crimes of murder and rape" after the results of the West Bengal election was announced. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

"Gwalior Woman Forced To Drink Acid Dead": Delhi Women's Commission Chief

A woman hospitalised in Delhi after being forced to consume acid in Gwalior by her husband and his family died today. Delhi Women's Commission chief Swati Maliwal tweeted informing everyone about the... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

"Ordinary Citizen, Like You": Railway Minister Seeks Feedback On Train

Passengers on an overnight train from Bhubaneswar to Rayagada today were in for a surprise when Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw went from one compartment to the other, seeking their feedback on rail... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

RSS-Linked Farmers' Union Says New Farm Laws "Need Improvement": Report

RSS-affiliated Bharatiya Kisan Sangh said the outfit will stage a nationwide agitation on September 8 to press for "remunerative price" to farmers for their produce to cover their cost and called for... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

महंगाई के सवाल पर बीजेपी जिलाध्यक्ष ने कहा - अफगानिस्तान जाओ, 50 रुपये में पेट्रोल भरवाओ!

मध्यप्रदेश (Madhya Pradesh) के कटनी (Katni) के भाजपा जिलाध्यक्ष रामरतन पायल (Ramratan Payal) ने... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Centre To Make All Efforts To Bring Back Indians From Afghanistan: Centre

Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia has said the central government will make all efforts, like it did in the 'Vande Bharat Mission', to bring back Indian citizens from Afghanistan,... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Pegasus Row: P Chidambaram Calls Centre's Statement A Court "Confession"

P Chidambaram said the Solicitor General telling the Supreme Court that the government has information which he cannot divulge in public by way of an affidavit is a "confession" that software-spyware... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Madhya Pradesh Farm Leader Threatens To Sue Weather Department IMD

A farmers' Union leader in Madhya Pradesh's Malwa region has threatened to move court against what he claimed as the IMD's "wrong" predictions leading to crop losses for cultivators in recent times. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Supreme Court Seeks Centre, TRAI's View On Pleas Against Tariff Order

The Supreme Court asked the Centre and Trai to file reply on pleas challenging the Bombay High Court verdict which had upheld validity of a tariff order passed by the regulator last year from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

"Even Person Wearing Hawai Chappal..": Minister On India's Aviation Plans

Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia on Wednesday said the central government aimed to provide an affordable air travel facility, which even a person "wearing slippers" could avail. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Talking To Centre Over Bengal Residents In Afghanistan: Mamata Banerjee

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday said that her government is coordinating with the Centre for the safe return of over 200 people from the state who are still stranded in... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Himachal Pradesh Makes Online Registration Mandatory To Visit State

Online registration has again been made mandatory for the people visiting Himachal Pradesh. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Sena Calls Maharashtra Governor "Political Agent" Of Union Home Ministry

Shiv Sena termed Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari as a "political agent" of the Home Ministry, in the wake of delay in the nomination of 12 persons, recommended by the state, as members of... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Let Sanity Prevail: P Chidambaram On Rs 192-Crore Vice President Enclave

Senior Congress leader P Chidambaram on Wednesday urged M Venkaiah Naidu to reject the idea of a "Rs 192 crore enclave" for the Vice President, saying "let vanity perish and sanity prevail". from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Calcutta High Court To Pass Judgement On Bengal Violence On Thursday

The Calcutta High Court on Thursday will pass the judgement on a set of PILs seeking impartial probe into alleged post-poll violence in West Bengal. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

BJP's Promises And UP Budget Allocation Don't Match: BSP Chief Mayawati

Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati on Wednesday termed as "disappointing" the supplementary budget presented in the Uttar Pradesh assembly and alleged that promises made by the state government seem... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

तालिबान के आगे घुटने टेकने वाले अशरफ गनी की हो सकती है वतन वापसी, अफगान राष्ट्रपति ने कहा- वार्ता जारी

अफगानिस्तान के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति अशरफ गनी ने बुधवार को कहा कि वह तालिबान और... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Covid-19: अमेरिका में लोगों को लगेगा वैक्सीन का बूस्टर शॉट, डेल्टा वैरिएंट ने डराया

कोरोना वायरस के डेल्टा वैरिएंट के बढ़ते खतरे के बीच अमेरिका ने वैक्सीन को... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

यूपी चुनाव से पहले कांग्रेस का सबसे बड़ा जनसंपर्क अभियान, 90 लाख लोगों तक पहुंचने का रखा लक्ष्य

प्रदेश कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष अजय कुमार लल्लू ने बताया कि जिन नेताओं का गावों में... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Yogi Adityanath Wants To See Noida As State's "Most Planned City": UP

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath wants to see Noida, adjoining national capital Delhi, as the "most planned city" in Uttar Pradesh and is working towards this end, the state government said. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Extortion Case Against Mumbai Ex-Top Cop Handed Over To CID

An extortion case registered against senior IPS officer Param Bir Singh in Mumbai has been transferred to the Maharashtra police's Criminal Investigation Department (CID), an official said on... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Cooking Gas LPG Price Hiked By Rs 25 Per Cylinder: Report

Domestic cooking gas LPG price on Wednesday was increased by Rs 25 per cylinder - the second straight month of increase in rates. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Muharram 2021: History, Significance And Know All About The Day Of Ashura

Muharram India 2021: Muharram is the period of grief and mourning for Shia Muslims across the world. On Muharram, mourners offer prayers at mosques and take out processions grieving the death of the... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Monsoon Set To Revive In North India From Tomorrow: Weather Forecast

After a gap of nearly two weeks, the Southwest Monsoon is set to revive in north India from August 19, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said on Wednesday. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Delhi To Identify Single-Use Plastic Littering Hotspots By October 31

The Delhi government will identify single-use plastic littering hotspots and the entry points of such items into water bodies and drains by October 31, according to a draft action plan for the... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

India Very Carefully Following Developments In Afghanistan: S Jaishankar

With the Taliban now in control in Kabul, S Jaishankar on Wednesday said New Delhi is "very carefully" following the developments in Afghanistan and India's focus is on ensuring the security and safe... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

India, 3 Other Countries To Study Intersection Of Covid, TB Pandemics

A consortium of doctors and researchers from India, Brazil, Russia, and South Africa have partnered to conduct a study on the epidemiological impact and intersection of the COVID-19 and Tuberculosis... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

केरल सरकार ने काबुल में फंसे 41 केरलवासियों की सुरक्षित वापसी के लिए केंद्र के हस्तक्षेप की मांग की

मुख्यमंत्री विजयन के निर्देशानुसार राज्य सरकार के प्रधान सचिव के एलंगोवन... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

अफगानिस्तान में फंसे उत्तर प्रदेश के कुछ कामगार, लगाई मदद की गुहार

अफगानिस्तान में फंसे उत्तर प्रदेश के लोग सुरक्ष‍ित वापस आने को परेशान हैं.... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

दिल्ली : मैच फिक्सिंग में पैसे गंवाने वाले ने बंदूक की नोंक पर लूट की कहानी गढ़ डाली

दिल्ली में पुलिस को फोन करके लूट के मनगढ़ंत मामले की शिकायत करने का मामला... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग कराने वाली 60 से ज्यादा फ़र्ज़ी वेबसाइट बनाकर 10 हज़ार से ज्यादा लोगों से ठगी

दिल्ली पुलिस की साइबर सेल ने एक सर्च इंजन ऑप्टिमाइजेशन (एसईओ) घोटाले का... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

पाकिस्तानी तालिबान मुद्दे पर अफगान तालिबान से वार्ता की : पाक गृह मंत्री

अफगानिस्तान पर तालिबान के कब्जा करने के बाद युद्धग्रस्त देश की जेलों से... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

UP Woman, Set On Fire By Parents Of Man Who Allegedly Molested Her, Dies

A 30-year-old woman, who was allegedly set on fire by the parents of a man charged in a molestation case lodged by her, died during treatment in a hospital, police said on Tuesday. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Noida Woman Found Dead In Hotel Room In Nainital, Probe On: Cops

A woman from Uttar Pradesh's Noida was found dead under mysterious circumstances in her hotel room here, police said on Tuesday. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

"Afghans Expected More From India": Journalist On IAF Flight From Kabul

Afghans, almost all of whom love India and despise Pakistan, expected much more from New Delhi and there is a growing sense of abandonment in Kabul, a journalist who just made it back in time on an... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Cabinet, Economic Affairs Panel To Meet Today

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs and Cabinet Meeting will be held on Wednesday. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

सीएम योगी ने विधान परिषद में कहा- ''अब्बा जान'', सपा सदस्यों ने किया जोरदार हंगामा

मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि वह कहना चाहते थे कि टीका एक सुरक्षा कवच है लेकिन लोगों... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

महाराष्ट्र : ED ने धोखाधड़ी के मामले में पूर्व विधायक की 234 करोड़ की संपत्ति जब्त की

महाराष्ट्र में प्रवर्तन निदेशालय ने बैंक धोखाधड़ी मामले में पूर्व विधायक... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Jammu-Kashmir: श्रीनगर में मुहर्रम का जुलूस कवर कर रहे पत्रकारों पर पुलिस ने लाठीचार्ज किया

मीडियाकर्मियों में अधिकतर फोटो एवं वीडियो पत्रकार थे. उन्होंने कहा कि... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

दिल्ली का नांगल रेप और हत्या केस : वाटर कूलर में शॉर्ट सर्किट नहीं हुआ था, करंट लगने की बात झूठी

सूत्रों के मुताबिक दिल्ली पुलिस की क्राइम ब्रांच को पुराना नांगल में नौ साल... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

तालिबानी आतंक के बीच से भारत लौटी महिला पत्रकार, बयां किया डर-दहशत का खौफनाक मंजर

अफगानिस्तान पर तालिबान के कब्जे के बाद वहां मौजूद लोगों में दहशत फैल गई है.... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Over 4,000 Hectares Of Land Damaged Due To Floods In Maharashtra's Raigad

More than 4,000 hectares of land has been damaged due to heavy rains and the resultant floods that hit Maharashtra's Raigad district last month, an official from the district agriculture department... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Afghanistan Potential Base For Pak-Backed Terrorism: Shashi Tharoor

Former minister of state for external affairs Shashi Tharoor said Afghanistan could become a base for Pakistan-backed terrorism and India needs to be extremely vigilant regarding the Taliban crisis. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Himachal Landslide: 3 More Bodies Found, Number Of Deaths Rise To 28

With the recovery of three more bodies on Tuesday, the number of deaths in the landslide in Himachal Pradesh's Kinnaur district climbed to 28, a senior official said. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

5 Arrested For Online Shopping Scam: Delhi Police

The Delhi Police has arrested five men and claimed to have busted a search engine optimisation scam that pushed multiple fraudulent e-commerce websites for duping people, police said on Thursday. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Preparation For National Farmers' Convention In Full Swing: Farmers Union

The Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) on Tuesday said the preparation for an all-India convention of farmers is in full swing and it is receiving an enthusiastic response from across the country. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

In Touch With Sikhs Taking Shelter In Gurudwara Near Kabul: Minister

Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said that authorities are in touch with a group of Sikhs who have taken shelter inside a gurudwara near Kabul after the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and that they... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Tension Along Border With Mizoram Escalates After Firing By Assam Cops

Tension along the Mizoram-Assam border escalated again on Tuesday when personnel of the Assam police allegedly fired on civilians of the neighbouring state injuring one, an official said. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Woman Accused Of Trying To Kill Husband By Electrocution In Rajasthan

A 28-year-old woman allegedly tried to kill her husband by electrocuting him in Rajasthan's Churu troubled by his abusive behaviour, the police said today. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

In Supreme Court, Centre Defends Change In Probe Agency Chief's Tenure

The Centre today defended in the Supreme Court the decision on retrospective change in the 2018 appointment order of Sanjay Kumar Mishra as Director of Enforcement Directorate (ED). from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Monday, August 16, 2021

S Jaishankar Discusses Afghan Situation With US Secretary Of State

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar spoke to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken over the latest developments in Afghanistan and underlined the urgency of restoring airports in Kabul. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

India Closely Monitoring Situation In Afghanistan: S Jaishankar

India is closely monitoring the situation in Afghanistan after Kabul fell to the Taliban, said External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Tuesday, adding that the Government of India is in touch with... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

अफगानिस्तान से अमेरिकी सैनिकों की वापसी के फैसले के साथ पूरी तरह खड़े हैं : राष्ट्रपति जो बाइडेन

अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति ने राष्ट्र को संबोध‍ित किया और अफगानिस्तान के मसले पर... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

मुंबई : संपत्ति के लिए हत्या किए जाने के डर से ऑटोरिक्शा चालक ने अपना गला काट लिया

मुंबई के उपनगरीय क्षेत्र मुलुंड में एक 40 वर्षीय ऑटोरिक्शा चालक ने इस भय से... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

उम्मीद है तालिबान वादे के मुताबिक 'खुली, समग्र' इस्लामिक सरकार की स्थापना करेगा : चीन

चीन ने सोमवार को उम्मीद जताई कि तालिबान अफगानिस्तान में ''खुली एवं समग्र''... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Exclusive: सामने आई काबुल की सैटेलाइट तस्वीरें, लोगों की भारी भीड़ देश छोड़कर जाने को बेताब

अफगानिस्तान में तालिबान के कब्जे के बाद से वहां से बाहर निकलने के लिए एक... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

अफगानिस्तान में फंसे भारतीयों की सुरक्षा के लिए सभी कदम उठाएगी सरकार

भारत ने सोमवार को कहा कि वह अफगानिस्तान में अपने नागरिकों की सुरक्षा... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

नकदी से भरे हेलीकॉप्टर में काबुल से भागे थे अफगानिस्तान के राष्ट्रपति अशरफ गनी : मीडिया रिपोर्ट

युद्धग्रस्त देश अफगानिस्तान से भागते हुए राष्ट्रपति अशरफ गनी ने अपने... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

गरीब महिलाओं, बच्चों में कुपोषण दूर करने के लिए पोषण युक्त चावल देगी सरकार

"गरीब महिलाओं, गरीब बच्चों में कुपोषण और जरूरी पौष्टिक पदार्थो की कमी, उनके... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Stand Squarely Behind Afghanistan Pull-Out, Says Joe Biden Amid Criticism

President Joe Biden defended the US pullout of Afghanistan Monday, saying he stood by the policy and that it was time to leave after 20 years of conflict. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Government Sets Up "Afghanistan Cell" To Coordinate Repatriation

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has set up an ''Afghanistan Cell'' to coordinate repatriation and related matters in the backdrop of the Taliban seizing control of the country. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

US Warns Against Travel To Turkey Amid Covid, Eases India Advisory

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned on Monday against travel to Turkey because of a rising number of COVID-19 cases in that nation but eased its advisory for India. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Court Asks Centre To Reply To Plea Seeking Review Of Data Breaches

Delhi High Court asked centre to file a reply in a petition seeking direction to Computer Emergency Respondent Team -India (CERT-In), for commencing investigation and review of the recent data... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

"Quality Healthcare": Visuals Contradict Madhya Pradesh Policy Promise

Four separate videos of the poor conditions in Madhya Pradesh's government health care facilities show that the sector far removed from the state's policy promise of "high quality and affordable... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

In Nagaland, Plan To Form All-Party Government To Facilitate Peace Talks

Major political parties of Nagaland have agreed to come together and form an all-party government in the state to facilitate an early solution to the vexed Naga political issue and achieve an... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

मध्यप्रदेश : सिंगरौली जिले में 60 साल की महिला से गैंगरेप, पांच गिरफ्तार

मध्यप्रदेश के सिंगरौली में 60 साल की महिला के साथ पांच आरोपियों ने कथित तौर पर... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Taliban Won't Even Let You Pick Up The Dead, Recall Afghans In Delhi

As the Taliban take over their country and a grave human tragedy unfolds, the Afghans living in Delhi reel under the uncertainty of the future, especially those who have not been able to contact their... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Maharashtra Allows Those Under 18 To Visit Malls With Age Proof

The Maharashtra government on Monday decided to allow those below 18 years of age who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 to visit shopping malls upon displaying the valid age proof. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Government Should Have Opened Talks With Taliban. Says Asaduddin Owaisi

India should have opened dialogue with the Taliban before it had full control of Afghanistan, said AIMIM chief and MP Asaduddin Owaisi today. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Rajouri Murder Case Cracked, Victim's Sister Among 3 Arrested, Say Police

The Jammu and Kashmir police today claimed to have solved a case relating to the murder of a youth in Rajouri district last week with the arrest of three suspects, including his younger sister. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Five Men Drag Woman, 60, Into Bushes, Rape Her In Madhya Pradesh

Five men, including two under the age of 18, have been arrested for allegedly raping a 60-year-old woman in Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh, the police said today. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Congress Counters Finance Minister's Oil Bonds Argument On Fuel Prices

The Congress today accused Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman of "falsely" citing the oil bonds issued by the previous UPA government as the reason for not reducing fuel prices. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

"No Freedom For Women": Afghans In India Helpless Amid Chaos Back Home

An Afghan national living in Delhi said she left her country four years ago as there was no freedom there and that the Taliban's return to power is only going to make things worse for the residents in... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Sunday, August 15, 2021

छत्तीसगढ़ के बीजापुर में 15 साल बंद रहने के बाद बहाल हुई बस सेवा

राज्य के नक्सल प्रभावित बीजापुर जिले में 75वें स्वतंत्रता दिवस के अवसर पर 15... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

छत्तीसगढ़ : तीन लाख रुपये के इनामी नक्सली ने किया आत्मसमर्पण

छत्तीसगढ़ के नक्सल प्रभावित बीजापुर जिले में तीन लाख रुपये के इनामी... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Ties With The US On A Steady Upward Trajectory: Indian Ambassador

India's ties with the United States are on a steady upward trajectory, Indian ambassador to the US Taranjit Singh Sandhu has said, observing that the Comprehensive Global Strategic Partnership between... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

अफगानिस्तान: UN चीफ ने तालिबान सहित सभी पक्षों से संयम बरतने का आह्वान किया, आज बैठक

अफगानिस्तान पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषद की बैठक कल सुबह 10 बजे... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

"Where Will We Go? This Is Our Motherland": Afghans To Returning Indians

A total of 129 passengers who were onboard the Kabul-Delhi Air India flight arrived on Sunday evening. The flight took off from Kabul around the same time that the Taliban terrorists entered... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Google Honours India's First Woman Satyagrahi With A Doodle

Google today released a striking doodle to honour the life and achievements of Subhadra Kumari Chauhan, a trailblazing writer and freedom fighter whose work rose to national prominence during a... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

रक्तपात से बचने के लिए छोड़ दिया अफगानिस्तान : अशरफ गनी

अफगानिस्तान के राष्ट्रपति अशरफ गनी ने रविवार को कहा कि उन्होंने "रक्तपात" से... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Transgenders Invited To Independence-Day Function For First Time In Assam

It was indeed a "happy'' Independence Day for the transgenders of Assam as for the first time some members of the community were official invitees at the central function here to mark the completion... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Foreign Minister S Jaishankar Begins 4-Day New York Visit On Monday

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar will begin a four-day visit to the US from Monday to attend a number of UN Security Council events including a briefing on terrorism that will be held under... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Centre Has Grown Stubborn, Refuses To Heed Opposition: Ashok Gehlot

Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Sunday accused the Centre of being too stubborn to heed anyone else, including the Opposition. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Mamata Banerjee To Be Among "Prime Architects" To Topple BJP: Trinamool

The Trinamool Congress has vowed to oust the government at the centre after the 2024 Lok Sabha polls and asserted that West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee would be one of the key architects of... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Rahul Gandhi On A 3-Day Visit To Kerala's Wayanad From August 16-18

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi will be on a 3-day visit to his parliamentary constituency Wayanad in Kerala, from August 16 to August 18, informed the party on Sunday. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

अफगानिस्तान पर भारत की पैनी नजर, काबुल से कर्मचारियों को निकालने को तैयार

अफगानिस्तान पर तालिबान के कब्जे के बाद भारत काबुल से अपने सैकड़ों... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

अफगानिस्तान पर तालिबान के कब्जे के बाद यूरोपीय देशों ने अपने लोगों को निकालना शुरू किया

अफगानिस्तान पर तालिबान ने पूरी तरह से कब्जा जमा लिया है. अफगानिस्तान में... from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

Arvind Kejriwal Inaugurates Five Flag Masts On 75th Independence Day

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, along with his Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and Home Minister Satyendra Jain, inaugurated five flag masts on the 75th Independence Day on Sunday. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Himanta Sarma Assam's Most Divisive Chief Minister Ever: MLA Akhil Gogoi

Hitting out at Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma over the cow protection bill, MLA Akhil Gogoi said he will be remembered as the "most communal and divisive CM" in the history of Assam. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

जेसिका लाल की बहन सबरीना लाल का लंबी बीमारी के बाद निधन

जेसिका लाल की बहन सबरीना लाल का लंबी बीमारी के बाद निधन from NDTV Khabar - Latest via IFT...

India Trying To Evacuate Hundreds Amid Taliban Blitz: Report

India is gearing up to evacuate hundreds of its officials and citizens from Kabul after Afghan President Ashraf Ghani left Afghanistan, setting the stage for the Taliban to recapture power in the... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

BSF Personnel Allegedly Dies By Suicide On Duty Along Bangladesh Border

Forty-two-year old Constable Manbir Singh, a native of Uttar Pradesh, allegedly shot himself with his own service weapon. He was part of the BSF's 134th Battalion. A probe is on by BSF officials. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Young People Will Be Given More Tickets In Punjab Polls: Navjot Sidhu

Punjab Congress chief Navjot Singh Sidhu on Sunday said during the upcoming state assembly polls, youths will be given more tickets than they got during the last one. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Trinamool Seeks PM Apology For Saying Bengal Freedom Fighter From Assam

The Trinamool Congress on Sunday alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has scant knowledge of history and demanded an apology from him for incorrectly saying that freedom fighter from West Bengal,... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Indian Naval Ship In UK Hosts Flag Hoisting Ceremony On Independence Day

An Indian Navy frontline frigate docked at Portsmouth harbour on England's south coast as part of a goodwill visit was at the heart of Sunday's Independence Day celebrations in the UK. from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...

Jessica Lall's Sister Sabrina Lall Dies Following Prolonged Illness

Sabrina Lall was the younger sister of Jessica Lall, the Delhi model shot dead in an upmarket bar in the national capital. She died following prolonged illness. She was at the forefront of the... from NDTV News - India-news via IFT...