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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Anti-Smog Guns To Be Mandatory For High-Rise Buildings, Hotels In Delhi

Delhi Environment Minister Manjinder Singh Sirsa on Saturday announced that all high-rise buildings, hotels, commercial complexes, major establishments such as airports and construction sites must install anti-smog guns to curb air pollution levels.

Stressing that Delhi has to put its house in order before seeking action from others, Manjinder Singh Sirsa directed all departments concerned to prepare a detailed roadmap to tackle pollution and sought data on the contribution of key sites, including Delhi Airport, to the city's air pollution.

Chairing a high-level meeting with the officials from the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) and the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), Manjinder Singh Sirsa emphasised the need for stringent pollution control measures and said that if necessary, new laws would be introduced.

Rising pollution was a major election issue in Delhi and the BJP had accused the previous AAP government of failing to check it.

The MCD has been asked to provide a detailed list of existing and under-construction high-rise buildings, which will be subject to new pollution control norms. Existing buildings and upcoming projects will have separate guidelines, ensuring stricter compliance with environmental regulations, Manjinder Singh Sirsa said.

The minister also announced plans to transition all vehicles operating inside the airport to green alternatives and urged major establishments to actively contribute to pollution control by increasing greenery in their surroundings.

"By 2026, at least 10,000 electric vehicles will be introduced in Delhi, and steps will be taken to ensure a significant reduction in landfill waste, with parks and forests developed on cleaned landfill sites," Manjinder Singh Sirsa said.

Additionally, the minister highlighted the need for cloud seeding as a potential measure to combat pollution during peak smog months and said that all necessary permissions and formalities would be completed on a priority basis.

He also said that leading institutions like IIT Delhi and other Delhi-based colleges would be involved in pollution control efforts.

Manjinder Singh Sirsa stressed that before holding others accountable, Delhi must first reduce its pollution levels.

"Fifty per cent of Delhi's pollution comes from within the city itself. We need to fix our own problems first before seeking action from others," Manjinder Singh Sirsa added.

Bhavreen Kandhari, an environmentalist, said that the government should "focus on controlling emissions and addressing major sources of pollution such as industries, construction activities and fossil fuel plants located in the middle of the city that contribute significantly to air pollution".

Kandhari said that while anti-smog guns and water sprinkling help manage pollution to some extent, they are not complete solutions. Anti-smog guns are ineffective at construction sites, whereas water sprinkling can help control dust in such areas.

"Therefore, the government should introduce policies that bring impactful and lasting results," she added.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Friday, February 28, 2025

Himachal Weather: हिमाचल में कुदरत का ऐसा कहर! देखिए कुल्लू में कार-ऑटो सब कैसे हो गए दफन

Himachal Rain: शुक्रवार को हिमाचल प्रदेश में मौसम ने अजब रंग दिखाया. यहां कुछ इलाकों में बर्फबारी से मौसम सुहाना हो गया है, वहीं कुल्लू जिले में कुदरत ने ऐसा रूप दिखाया है कि लोगों को खासी परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है. दो दिन से लगातार हो रही भारी बारिश के कारण कुल्लू जिले के कई इलाके जलमग्न हो गए हैं और जीवन अस्त-व्यस्त हो गया है. भारी बारिश के बाद कुल्लू जिले के सरवरी नाले में उफान आ गया और देखते ही देखते कई गाड़ियां बह गई. 

इसके अलावा गांधी नगर क्षेत्र में मलबे में गाड़ियां दब गई, जिससे नुकसान और बढ़ गया. भारी बारिश के चलते कुल्लू के आसपास की झुग्गियों में भी पानी घुस गया है और ढालपुर क्षेत्र में होटल के पीछे दीवार टूटने से सारा पानी घरों में घुस गया.

अखाड़ा बाजार में घरों में घुसा पानी

अखाड़ा बाजार में भी बारिश का पानी घरों में घुसने से लोगों का सामान खराब हो गया है. लगातार हो रही बारिश से कुल्लू जिला में बाढ़ जैसे हालात बन गए हैं. बारिश के चलते कई सड़कों पर भूस्खलन हुआ है और पेड़ टूटने से बिजली की तारें भी गिर गई, जिससे बंजार, मणिकर्ण, गड़सा और मनाली के कई गांव अंधेरे में डूब गए हैं.

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सड़क मरम्मत और बिजली बहाली के दिए निर्देश

डीसी कुल्लू, तोरुल एस रवीश ने कहा कि घाटी में खराब मौसम को देखते हुए शुक्रवार को सभी शिक्षण संस्थान बंद रहेंगे. जैसे ही मौसम साफ होगा, सभी सड़कों की बहाली का काम शुरू किया जाएगा. इसके साथ ही बिजली व्यवस्था को दुरुस्त करने के लिए भी अधिकारियों को निर्देश जारी किए गए हैं.

स्थानीय नागरिकों के मुताबिक, पिछले दो दिनों से भारी बारिश की वजह से कुल्लू के कई इलाकों में भारी नुकसान हुआ है. सरवरी नाले का पानी पार्किंग एरिया में घुसने से कई गाड़ियां भी बाढ़ की चपेट में आ गईं, और बिजली की आपूर्ति पूरी तरह से ठप हो गई है.

मौसम का यह मिजाज अभी भी जारी रहने की संभावना है, जिससे जिला प्रशासन और नागरिकों को अतिरिक्त सतर्क रहने की सलाह दी गई है.

राज्य में तीन दिन से हिमपात और बारिश

अधिकारियों ने बताया कि राज्य में लगातार तीसरे दिन रुक-रुक कर हो रहे हिमपात और बारिश से राजमार्ग बाधित हो गया है. राज्य भर में करीब 200 सड़कें बंद हो गई हैं जिससे कुल्लू, लाहौल-स्पीति, किन्नौर, चंबा और शिमला जिलों के कई इलाके बाकी राज्य से कट गए हैं.

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खराब मौसम के कारण चंबा और मनाली में सभी शिक्षण संस्थान बंद

अधिकारियों ने बताया कि चंबा और मनाली में सभी शिक्षण संस्थानों को बंद कर दिया गया है. हालांकि, सीबीएसई बोर्ड परीक्षाएं निर्धारित समय के अनुसार ही होंगी. उन्होंने बताया कि 2,300 मीटर से अधिक ऊंचाई वाले जनजातीय क्षेत्रों और अन्य ऊंचाई वाले इलाकों में हिमस्खलन का खतरा है. लोगों को बाहर जाने से बचने और आवश्यक ऐहतियात बरतने की सलाह दी गई है.

राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग पांच (हिंदुस्तान-तिब्बत मार्ग) नरकंडा में हिमपात के कारण बंद हो गया है जबकि देहा-चौपाल और दोदरा-क्वार क्षेत्र से जुड़ने वाली सड़कें भी अवरुद्ध हो गई हैं. खड़ापथर गांव (8,770 फीट) पर थेओग-हाटकोटी राजमार्ग भी बंद है.

सड़क किनारे खड़े कई वाहनों को हुआ नुकसान

इस बीच, कुल्लू में भारी बारिश के कारण अखाड़ा बाजार और गांधी नगर में पानी भर गया है. बहते पानी से सड़कों के किनारे खड़े कई वाहनों को नुकसान पहुंचा है. प्रशासन ने नेहरू कुंड से आगे वाहनों का आवागमन रोक दिया है क्योंकि सोलंग नाला, गुलाबा, अटल टनल और रोहतांग में बर्फबारी हुई है.

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मनाली-कीतरपुर राजमार्ग पर यातायात बाधित

भूस्खलन के कारण बनाला में मनाली-कीरतपुर राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग पर यातायात बाधित हो गया है. पुलिस ने बताया कि पहाड़ियों से लगातार गिर रहे पत्थरों के कारण यातायात बहाली का काम शुरू नहीं हो सका है. जनजातीय घाटियों में कई सड़कें बर्फबारी और बारिश के कारण बंद हो गई हैं.

हिमाचल में कहां कितनी हुई बारिश और हिमपात

मौसम विभाग के अनुसार, सुबह साढ़े आठ बजे तक कोठी में सबसे अधिक 120 सेमी हिमपात हआ. इसके बाद खदराला में 115 सेमी, केलांग में 75 सेमी, काल्पा में 46 सेमी, कुकुमसेरी में 38.8 सेमी, सांगला में 23.5 सेमी और निचार व मूरंग में 15 सेमी बर्फबारी हुई.

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निचले और मध्य पर्वतीय क्षेत्रों में भी भारी बारिश हुई है. सियोबाग में सबसे अधिक 113.2 मिमी बारिश हुई. भुंटर में 113.2 मिमी, बंजार में 112.4 मिमी, जोगिंदरनगर में 112 मिमी, सलूणी में 109.3 मिमी, पालमपुर में 99 मिमी, चंबा में 97 मिमी, बैजनाथ में 75 मिमी, कांगड़ा में 74 मिमी, रोहड़ू में 70 मिमी, कुफरी में 59 मिमी और शिमला में 54.5 मिमी बारिश हुई.

हिमाचल में भारी बर्फबारी के लिए ऑरेंज अलर्ट जारी

हिमाचल प्रदेश में आसमान घने बादलों से ढका रहा और मौसम विज्ञान केंद्र ने लाहौल-स्पीति व किन्नौर जिलों और चंबा, कुल्लू, शिमला, मंडी, सिरमौर व कांगड़ा जिलों के ऊंचाई वाले इलाकों में भारी बर्फबारी के लिए ऑरेंज अलर्ट जारी किया है. मौसम विभाग ने चंबा, कुल्लू, शिमला, मंडी, सिरमौर और कांगड़ा जिलों में हल्की से मध्यम बारिश की संभावना जताई है जबकि कुछ स्थानों पर भारी बारिश हो सकती है.

यह भी पढ़ें - उत्तराखंड में भारी बर्फबारी, माणा एवलांच के रेस्क्यू में आ रहीं दिक्कतें; IMD का रेड अलर्ट जारी

from NDTV India - Latest

Thursday, February 27, 2025

UP Man Out On Bail In Rape Of 17-Year-Old Kidnaps Teen Again, Probe On

A man out on bail in a rape case of a 17-year-old girl allegedly kidnapped the teenager again, police said.

The girl was kidnapped on February 5 and was yet to be traced, they said.

Police said that the girl's father in a complaint alleged that on February 5, Asif Khan alias Chhote Babu (22) kidnapped his daughter.

Following his complaint an FIR has been lodged under Section 137(2) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita at Gopiganj police station on Wednesday night, a police officer said.

According to police, the accused had allegedly abducted and raped the girl earlier on October 14, 2023, following which he was arrested and the girl was rescued.

Khan was sent to jail earlier, where he spent eight months before securing bail, police added.

Bhadohi Superintendent of Police (SP) Abhimanyu Manglik said the accused, from Chudihar Mohalla in Gopiganj, is already facing trial in the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) court.

He also said that the girl's father was making efforts to trace his daughter since February 5.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Think Tank Hosts Discussion On Strengthening Gender Dimension In Public Policy

Chintan Research Foundation, a Delhi-based think tank, hosted a roundtable Discussion on 'Strengthening the Gender Dimension in Public Policy' earlier this week, discussing India's remarkable progress made by women in female labour force participation, particularly in traditionally male-dominated sectors.

The discussion, which took place on Tuesday, highlighted the progress women made in sectors like aerospace, aviation, finance, entrepreneurship, executive leadership, politics, and governance as well as the challenges to overcome.

Moderated by Shishir Priyadarshi, President, CRF, the discussion featured women leaders who shared their experiences, challenges and insights on breaking barriers in their respective fields.

The panellists included Amb Ruchira Kamboj, the first woman diplomat to be appointed as the Indian Ambassador to the UN, Jaya Varma Sinha the first woman Chairperson of the Railway Board in the 166-year history of the Indian Railways, Rumjhum Chatterjee, the Chairperson of CII's National Council on Women's Empowerment and Inclusion, and Manjeet Kripalani Co-founder of Gateway House, a leading think tank located in Mumbai.

The key takeaways included: Gender-inclusive policies & safe work environments are essential for expanding women's participation. Leadership plays a crucial role in creating an inclusive ecosystem. Even a small change can make a large impact-e.g., Indian Railways now manufactures locomotives with toilets for women drivers, making a significant impact. Sisterhood and mentorship are game-changers and collaboration over the competition is the key. Think tanks and research institutions must bridge the gap between government, corporate sectors and societies to drive impactful change.

The think tank said India is making strides, but the journey towards making the workforce equitable is a long one.

from NDTV News-India-news

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

End In Sight For Telangana Tunnel Rescue, Two More Days, Says Minister

The operation to rescue eight labourers trapped inside Telangana's Srisailam Left Bank Canal or SLBC tunnel is in its final stages said state Irrigation & Civil Supplies Minister Capt. N Uttam Kumar Reddy. The rescue, he said, will be completed within two days.

For this last stretch, Indian Marine Commando Force (MARCOS) and the Border Roads Organisation have been roped in, the minister said.

Following an extensive field assessment over the last two days, Mr Reddy said a concrete plan of action has now been finalised to ensure the safety of both rescuers and survivors.  

"The assessment yesterday was that the people going in to rescue and bring out the survivors would themselves be at great risk," he said. 

But after fresh assessment, new strategies have been devised to minimise risk for rescuers. 

"We now have a well-defined plan, and we are accelerating the rescue and relief operations with greater speed," he said. The experts, he said, are exploring alternate access routes, "including approaching from the side and the main exit, to expedite the rescue".  

One of the biggest challenges in the rescue effort has been the muddy water obstructing access to the Tunnel Boring Machine where the labourers are trapped. To counter this, the state has intensified dewatering operations.  

The experts are continuously assessing the structural stability of the tunnel, ensuring that rescue teams could proceed safely without any risks to either the trapped workers or the responders.  

Officials have been asked to accelerate debris removal and reinforce weakened sections of the tunnel to prevent any further mishap.

The minister said Chief Minister Revanth Reddy was personally monitoring the situation, directing that all critical agencies remain stationed at the site until the workers are rescued. 

The labourers got trapped when a section of the tunnel in Nagarkurnool district collapsed on Saturday morning. The minister had earlier said there is little hope of finding any survivors. . 

from NDTV News-India-news

Tigress That Attacked 2 People Allegedly Beaten To Death By Villagers In UP

A two-year-old tigress that strayed into a village in the buffer zone of Dudhwa Tiger Reserve and attacked two people was killed allegedly by villagers on Wednesday, officials said.

In a separate incident, a tiger was killed in a road accident that took place under the Mailani range of the Dudhwa Tiger Reserve (DTR), they said.

In the first incident, the angry villagers of Phulwaria clubbed the tigress to death on the spot.

Saureesh Sahai, the Dudhwa Buffer Zone deputy director, said forest officials retrieved the carcass from the village in the Palia tehsil and sent it to the range headquarters.

A case against unidentified persons was lodged at Palia police station under provisions of the Wild Life (Protection) Act and a probe was taken up, he added.

The injured villagers were admitted to the hospital where their condition was stated to be stable.

Sahai said the animal's postmortem was conducted according to National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) guidelines and the viscera was sent to ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly, for detailed analysis.

A few hours after the Phulwaria incident in the Dudhwa buffer zone, a speeding vehicle hit a male tiger on the Bhira-Mailani highway under the Mailani range of DTR.

Field director of DTR H Rajamohan confirmed the death of a male tiger in a road accident and said errant driver Laxman Saud along with his car was taken into custody.

Deputy director, DTR, Rengaraju T said a case under appropriate sections of the Wild Life (Protection) Act has been lodged and the driver sent to jail.

He added that the postmortem of the carcass was carried out as per NTCA guidelines.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Man Undergoes Rare Transplant, Lives With 5 Kidneys In Delhi

A 47-year-old man has undergone a rare third kidney transplant at a private hospital here, leaving him with a total of five kidneys in his body.

A surgery was performed at Amrita Hospital, Faridabad, on Devendra Barlewar, who had been battling chronic kidney disease for 15 years and had undergone two failed transplants in 2010 and 2012.

Dr. Ahmed Kamaal, Senior Consultant, Urology, said the patient's condition worsened further after COVID-19 complications in 2022.

However, when a 50-year-old brain-dead farmer's family decided to donate his kidneys, hope emerged for Barlewar.

The four-hour-long surgery, conducted last month, posed significant medical challenges due to the presence of four non-functioning kidneys -- two native and two previously transplanted ones, Kamaal said in a statement.

He explained that the multiple existing kidneys increased the risk of immune rejection, requiring specialised immunosuppression protocols before the procedure.

Dr. Anil Sharma, Senior Consultant, Urology, highlighted the surgical complexities, saying, "We faced space constraints due to the patient's thin build and an existing incisional hernia." "Since previous surgeries had already used the standard blood vessels, we had to connect the new kidney to the largest abdominal blood vessels, making it a highly intricate procedure," he said.

Despite the challenges, the transplant was successful, and the patient was discharged within ten days with stable kidney function.

Speaking about patient's condition, Dr Sharma said that Barlewar's creatinine levels normalised within two weeks, allowing him to live dialysis-free.

Expressing his gratitude, Barlewar said, that he had lost hope after two failed transplants.

He said that dialysis had severely restricted his life, but the at Amrita Hospital gave him another chance when no one else did.

He added that today, he can perform daily activities independently, and his overall health has also improved.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

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