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Friday, January 31, 2025

Mob Tries To Stop Forces From Destroying Poppy Fields In Manipur's Kangpokpi

A mob of around 80 people on Friday confronted a security team that went to destroy illegal opium poppy cultivation in Manipur's Kangpokpi district and damaged four vehicles, police said.

The incident happened in the Lhungjang hill range where personnel of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and the police had gone.

"Four light vehicles were broken, mostly the front windshield. The mob was later controlled by using minimum force. Later, reinforcements came... and poppy destruction at Lhungjang hill range resumed," the police said.

from NDTV News-India-news

Thursday, January 30, 2025

US में प्लेन-हेलिकॉप्टर क्रैश में कोई नहीं बचा जिंदा, ट्रंप ने ओबामा और बाइडेन को घेरा

अमेरिका की राजधानी वॉशिंगटन DC में बुधवार रात को पैसेंजर प्लेन क्रैश हादसे में सभी यात्रियों के मारे जाने की आशंका जताई जा रही है. इस पैसेंजर प्लेन की बीच हवा में US आर्मी के ब्लैक हॉक हेलिकॉप्टर के साथ आमने-सामने की टक्कर हो गई थी. प्लेन में 4 क्रू मेंबर समेत 60 यात्री सवार थे. इस हादसे में अब तक 28 लाशें बरामद कर ली गई हैं. पैसेंजर प्लेन कैंसस के विचिटा से वॉशिंगटन DC आ रहा था. प्लेन रनवे पर लैंड करने वाला था, उसी दौरान ये हादसे का शिकार हो गया. क्रैश के बाद दोनों एयरक्राफ्ट पोटोमैक नदी में जा गिरे. टक्कर इतनी जबरदस्त थी कि प्लेन के 3 टुकड़े हो गए. इस हादसे को लेकर राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप ने पूर्व राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा और जो बाइडेन को उनकी पॉलिसी को लेकर घेरा है.

वॉशिंगटन फायर चीफ जॉन डोनेली ने न्यूज एजेंसी AFP को बताया, "इतने भयानक हादसे में किसी के बचने की उम्मीद नहीं है. इसलिए अब रेस्क्यू ऑपरेशन को रिकवरी ऑपरेशन में बदलना चाहिए." जॉन डोनेली ने कहा, "रेस्क्यू ऑपरेशन में 300 फर्स्ट रिस्पॉन्डर शामिल थे. इनमें से ज्यादातर ने अंधेरे में ऑपरेशन को अंजाम दिया. पानी काफी गहरा और मटमैला है. इससे गोताखोरों को गोता लगाने में कठिनाई आ रही है."

कोस्ट गार्ड के एडवांस लाइट हेलीकॉप्टर (ALH MK-III) की क्या है खासियत, जानें

उन्होंने कहा, "इन रिस्पॉन्डर्स को बहुत मुश्किल हालात में सर्च ऑपरेशन चलाया. इस दौरान उन्होंने तेज हवा का सामना करना पड़ा. नदी के पानी में बर्फ जमा हुआ था. ऐसे मुश्किल स्थिति में भी रेस्क्यू टीम पूरी रात ऑपरेशन में लगी रही. रेस्क्यू में कई दिनों का वक्त लग सकता है. फिलहाल एयरपोर्ट पर सभी उड़ानें और लैंडिंग रोक दी गई हैं."

अभी तक पैसेंजर प्लेन और ब्लैक हॉक हेलिकॉप्टर की बीच टक्कर की वजह सामने नहीं आई है. ट्रांसपोर्ट अधिकारियों का कहना है कि दोनों एयरक्राफ्ट स्टैंडर्ड फ्लाइट पैटर्न पर काम कर रहे थे. उड़ान के समय वो बिल्कुल अच्छी कंडीशन में थे. जब इन दोनों ने उड़ान भरी, तो विजिबिलिटी भी बहुत अच्छी और साफ थी.

गौर करने वाली बात ये है कि प्लेन के क्रैश होने के 30 सेकेंड पहले रीगन नेशनल एयरपोर्ट के एयर ट्रैफिक कंट्रोलर ने मिलिट्री हेलिकॉप्टर को एक कॉल किया था. लेकिन मिलिट्री के हेलिकॉप्टर ने इसका कोई रिस्पॉन्स नहीं दिया था.

रूसी नागरिक भी प्लेन में थे सवार
AFP की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, यूएस फिगर स्केटिंग ने बताया कि क्रैश हुए पैसेंजर प्लेन अमेरिकन ईगल फ्लाइट 5342 में कई एथलीट, कोच और अधिकारी सवार थे. वहीं, मॉस्को में अधिकारियों ने पुष्टि इस प्लेन में रूसी कपल एवगेनिया शिश्कोवा और वादिम नौमोव सवार थे. इन्होंने- 1994 में विश्व जोड़ी का खिताब जीता था.

ATC ने हेलिकॉप्टर को किया था कॉल
गौर करने वाली बात ये है कि प्लेन के क्रैश होने के 30 सेकेंड पहले रीगन नेशनल एयरपोर्ट के एयर ट्रैफिक कंट्रोलर ने मिलिट्री हेलिकॉप्टर को एक कॉल किया था. लेकिन मिलिट्री के हेलिकॉप्टर ने इसका कोई रिस्पॉन्स नहीं दिया था.

अमेरिका के कैलिफोर्निया में काम कर रहे थे कर्मचारी तभी अचानक आ गिरा विमान, 2 की मौत, 100 से ज्यादा घायल

मिलिट्री हेलिकॉप्टर ने दिया कोई रिस्पॉन्स
हालांकि, एयर ट्रैफिक कंट्रोलर के इस अलर्ट का मिलिट्री हेलिकॉप्टर ने कोई रिस्पॉन्स नहीं दिया. कुछ सेकेंड्स बाद दोनों एयरक्राफ्ट की टक्कर हो गई. इस क्रैश को देखने वाले पायलट ने रेडियो पर अर्जेंट कॉल भी किया था: "टावर, क्या आपने देखा..."

क्रैश की दी गई थी 3 बार चेतावनी
इन-फ़्लाइट रिकॉर्डिंग रखने वाले साइट के ऑडियो ने मिलिट्री हेलिकॉप्टर के क्रू मेंबर के सदस्यों के बीच आखिरी कम्युनिकेशन को कैप्चर किया है. न्यूज एजेंसी 'रॉयटर्स' की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, एयर ट्रैफिक कंट्रोलरों में से एक को यह कहते हुए सुना जा सकता है, "क्रैश, क्रैश, क्रैश...यह चेतावनी 3 बार दी गई."

मौत की उड़ान... दुनिया को दहलाने वाले 9 बड़े हवाई हादसे

राष्ट्रपति ट्रंप ने हादसे पर उठाए सवाल 
इस बीच अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंर ने इस प्लेन हादसे पर सवाल खड़े किए हैं. ट्रंप ने अपने 'ट्रुथ' सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म पर पोस्ट किया, "प्लेन एयरपोर्ट के लिए एकदम सही रास्ते पर था. हेलिकॉप्टर काफी देर से प्लेन की ओर सीधा आ रहा था. रात साफ थी, प्लेन की लाइट्स जल रही थीं. फिर भी हेलिकॉप्टर ऊपर या नीचे क्यों नहीं गया? हेलिकॉप्टर ने टर्न क्यों नहीं लिया?"

ट्रंप आगे लिखते हैं, "कंट्रोल टावर ने हेलिकॉप्टर को यह क्यों नहीं बताया कि उसे क्या करना है, बजाय इसके कि क्या उन्होंने प्लेन देखा है. यह एक बुरी स्थिति है जिसे रोका जाना चाहिए था."  

ओबामा और बाइडेन की पॉलिसी पर छिड़ी बहस
राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप ने इसके साथ ही पूर्व राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा और जो बाइडेन की पॉलिसी पर भी सवाल उठाए हैं. ट्रंप की बातों ने फेडरल एविएशन एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन (FAA) में विविधता, समानता और समावेशन (DEI) कार्यक्रमों की भूमिका के बारे में एक तीखी बहस छेड़ दी है. ट्रंप ने दावा किया कि DEI प्रोग्राम ने सुरक्षा के मुकाबले नीति को प्राथमिकता दी है. उन्होंने कहा, "मैंने सुरक्षा को पहले रखा है. ओबामा, बाइडेन और डेमोक्रेट ने नीति को पहले रखा." ट्रंप ने जोर देकर कहा, "वे वास्तव में एक निर्देश लेकर आए और हम चाहते हैं कि ऐसे लोग सक्षम हों."

उपराष्ट्रपति ने जताया दुख
दूसरी ओर, उपराष्ट्रपति जेडी वेंस ने इस हादसे पर दुख जताया है. उन्होंने हादसे में शामिल लोगों के लिए प्रार्थना करने की अपील की है. 

क्रैश, क्रैश, क्रैश... US की फ्लाइट और ब्लैक हॉक की टक्कर से पहले मिले थे अलर्ट, वायरल हो रहा ऑडियो

from NDTV India - Latest

Meghalaya Chief Minister Rules Out Uniform Civil Code Implementation

Uttarakhand has become the first state in the country to implement UCC, but the Chief Minister of another hill state has ruled out a similar step. The implementation of Uniform Civil Code is neither practical nor appropriate, given the country's diverse cultural and tribal communities, Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma said today.

He, however, acknowledged that certain aspects of civil laws could be made uniform while protecting the rights of indigenous communities.

Pointing at Uttarakhand, which became the first state to implement the UCC while excluding tribal customs from its purview, Mr Sangma said in a country as diverse as India, a Uniform Civil Code is not viable. 

His statement comes amid growing debates on the UCC, with Assam expressing interest in following Uttarakhand's lead in implementing the code.

"A Uniform Civil Code, as a concept of making sure that everything becomes uniform, is not possible in India," Mr Sangma said.

"There are tribal and indigenous communities with unique practices that may not align with the uniformity. To impose uniformity on every aspect of life, across all communities, would not be correct," he added.

To explain the situation, he further added: "If a bill at the national or state level were to declare that the entire country should adopt a matrilineal system, Meghalaya would support that, because we are a matrilineal society. It all depends on the content of the bill - what aspects are being made uniform and in what way".

"For us, as a state government, we are very clear. The Uniform Civil Code is not on our agenda. We respect the diverse identities of our tribal communities, and their traditional practices must be protected," he added. 

Mr Sangma had made it clear earlier also that his government will not support the UCC.

Two years ago, a tribal council in Meghalaya unanimously passed a resolution to oppose the implementation of the UCC in areas within its jurisdiction.

Uttarakhand has become the first state in India to implement a Uniform Civil Code (UCC), aiming to simplify and standardize personal laws related to marriage, divorce, succession, and inheritance.
The UCC applies to all residents of Uttarakhand, except Scheduled Tribes and protected authority-empowered persons and communities.

from NDTV News-India-news

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

US Justice Department Move Against Gautam Adani A "Strategic Blunder": Report

The US Department of Justice's (DoJ) indictment of billionaire Gautam Adani is a strategic blunder with severe geopolitical consequences, leading American publication Forbes has said.

In an article titled "The US Harms The West's Alliances With A Far-Flung Indictment In India", the author, Melik Kaylan, argued that the indictment, which alleges bribery and financial misrepresentation, "risks damaging India-US relations at a time when Washington is actively seeking stronger alliances to counter China's rising influence".

The article highlighted that India is a pivotal partner for the West, especially in initiatives like the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) - a transformative infrastructure project designed to rival China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The DoJ's action, however, undermines economic collaboration and trust at a critical juncture, potentially pushing India closer to Russia and China. In doing so, the US inadvertently weakens its own geopolitical positioning, allowing its rivals to strengthen their influence, according to Forbes.

Moreover, the piece argued that this indictment represents another example of Western overreach, where American extraterritorial legal actions disrupt vital global partnerships.

The broader concern is that while the US and Europe undermine their own allies with such moves, their adversaries continue advancing - economically, militarily, and technologically. As the author bluntly puts it, "They must be laughing in Beijing."

In essence, the DoJ's action against Mr Adani is not just a legal decision but a diplomatic miscalculation that risks isolating India at a time when its alignment with the West is crucial for global stability, according to the article.

(Disclaimer: New Delhi Television is a subsidiary of AMG Media Networks Limited, an Adani Group Company.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Adani Group Commits Rs 2.3 Lakh Crore Investment In Odisha

Adani Group on Tuesday committed to investing Rs 2.3 lakh crore over the next five years across power, cement, industrial parks, aluminium and city gas expansion in Odisha. According to a statement by the group, the investment commitment was made during Utkarsh Odisha 2025 - the state's investor meeting.

Karan Adani, Managing Director of Adani Ports and SEZ Limited (APSEZ), met state Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi and exchanged MoUs for investment in Odisha over the next five years, it added.

"The Adani Group committed to invest Rs 2.3 lakh crore over the next five years across power, cement, industrial parks, aluminium, city Gas etc," the statement said.

It, however, did not give details.

"This is the biggest investment intent by any group in Utkarsh Odisha 2025." Also, the first test flight landed at Dhamra Airstrip successfully on Tuesday.

Additionally, on the occasion of Utkarsh Odisha, six projects of ATGL in Odisha were commissioned. These include an EV charging station at Bhubaneswar airport and the completion of the city gate station cum mother station project.

Other projects include the groundbreaking for an LNG cum multi-fuel hub at Bhadrak, a CNG station in Balasore, the first domestic piped cooking gas charging and burner in Bhadrak and a CNG station project completion at Rairangpur (1st in the city) of Mayurbhanj district.

"It will be open to the public soon," it added.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

(Disclaimer: New Delhi Television is a subsidiary of AMG Media Networks Limited, an Adani Group Company.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Monday, January 27, 2025

21-Year-Old Nursing Student Found Hanging Inside Rented Room In UP: Cops

A 21-year-old nursing student was found hanging in a house in Uttar Pradesh's Moradabad district on Monday, police said.

Officials said that no suicide note was found from the spot.

Police received information in the morning about the body of Jyoti Singh (21), a BSc Nursing student, found hanging in a rented room in Kesari Kunj Colony, Superintendent of Police (City) Kumar Ranvijay Singh said.

A police team, accompanied by forensic experts, rushed to the spot and inspected the scene, he said She was a resident of Babni village of Deoria and her family was informed about the incident, the officer said.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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(If you need support or know someone who does, please reach out to your nearest mental health specialist.)

from NDTV News-India-news

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Upset Over 'Betrayal', Man Kills Business Partner's Children: Police

Upset over his business partner's "betrayal", a 70-year-old man picked up his two children from their school, took them to his home, allegedly killed them there and hanged their bodies, according to police.

The incident happened in Boranada here and the children's bodies were found on Sunday, two day after they were reported missing by their family.

Police said they have found a note at the scene, in which the accused has purportedly admitted to killing the children due to the "betrayal" in their partnership in a bangle factory, and also mentioned his intent to commit suicide.

Police said Tamanna alias Tannu (12) and Shivpal (8) had left home on Friday for their school but never returned. Their family searched for them and eventually filed a report at the Boranada police station on Saturday.

DCP (West) Rajarshi Raj Verma said the accused, Shyam Singh Bhati, had started a bangle factory in partnership with Pradeep Devasai nine months ago. However, Devasai left the partnership for some reasons. They knew each other for about 20 years.

"This led to Bhati harbouring resentment against Devasai's family and wanting to teach him a lesson. Seizing an opportunity, Bhati murdered Devasai's two children. Their bodies were found in his (Bhati's) rented house near his factory," said Verma.

He said Bhati is absconding and a search has been initiated to nab him.

Police said the two children studied at a school in Pal. Two days ago, the accused picked up the children from the school under the pretense of dropping them home, but took them to his house near the bangle factory which is located in the vicinity of the Jain Temple in Boranada.

He killed them there and hanged their bodies, police said.

According to preliminary investigation, Bhati had invested money in the bangle factory, while Devasai worked there as a craftsman. Due to some disagreements, Devasai ended the partnership, resulting in financial losses to Bhati.

Verma said that in the note found at the scene, Bhati has written his partner had "betrayed" him, which is why he also wanted to take his own life.

Devasai's family originally hails from Uttar Pradesh. He is a bangle craftsman. Bhati hails from Rajasthan's Phalodi. 

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News-India-news

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